Wednesday, December 8, 2010
I also thought I haven't really blogged in a while.
I'm useless at keeping my memory card cleared, I was deleting photo's of last Christmas which was an awesome day, spent it with family and people I love. Then the weeks following Christmas. Lots of photo's of the person who at the time featured predominately in my life. I had thought about deleting the memory sooner, thought it'd be too hard. Now when I do it, its easy. Too easy, can losing those pictures and cleansing the memory card in order to forget the memory be that easy this quickly? To make it worse, I look at them an now instead of thinking wow. I'm critical, it's funny what you notice with some of the happiness and the warm fuzzy feelings gone. So much easier to be a bitch. Not that any of it matters at all. Anyhow I should probably sleep I've been challenged to try and get somewhere at 9am tomorrow morning. Fully not gonna happen but its worth a half hearted shot!
Hopefully I can organise myself in the next few days to post about the epic tramp I went on a few days ago & hopefully this is before my weekend gets flooded with the best thing in town. Canoe Polo! Awesomely theirs a tournament coming up, gonna be sick! :)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Canoe Polo!
I Love that the people that play it are all such nice friendly people happy to join in and have a game, no one really minds if you stuff up or accidentally hit them with a paddle.
I Love that nobody knows what it is so you get to explain it to them, and every time people are like whoa! That sounds like fun!, or you do that in kayaks? you must be skilled! Its brilliant!
That is all. :)
If your keen to give it a go facebook me and we can work something out! xD
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
No more School
I know the people I want to see, I will see. I will keep in contact we have made plans to hang out, to have adventures to go to Hamner and Akaroa. Well most of them anyway.
The people I don't want to see, and there are some it wasn't nice going to school with them, you wont be missed. I honestly think my life at least will be happier now that I don't have to sit in classes with you and listen to your idiotic babbling.
Schools over, just 4 3hour exams to go, a shit load of studying and I'll be ready for a holiday. Before opening the next chapter in my book. I have grown at MGS, and I think I have finished there, I'm not the prize winning student, or the raging socialite, the master mogul, or the massive hunk, but I have reached as far as high school can take me.
It scares me to think that here I am 18 and theirs only at most realistically 60ish more years. If I'm not struck by lightening. Theirs so much more to do, experience, new people to meet friends to make, places to explore, caches to find. So much I need to do to get there and what seems like such a short time to get there.
Every things gone so fast, first day at school, first field trip (Botanical Gardens where I forgot my lunch and had to eat the student teachers food), first best friend, first long term serious relationship, first break up, first exam. I'm over these first from school. I still want firsts though, call me greedy but I believe its time for some seconds, thirds! It's almost time for tertiary! (See what I did there, worked in a pun. Genius I know.)
The thing I'll miss the most, also the thing that was starting to annoy me the most was the safety. Safety in that there was a place I could go to be kept busy "learn", see people who cared, friends that wanted to hang all this and not have to enter the "real world". Where the wild things are, the wild people, the real life issues and horrors. From my safe haven of school I saw glimpses, heard stories, experienced second hand from those who'd found a window that the could jump through and experience that terrible, and adventurous place. Now I have to face it. That or box myself in, I don't like boxes. It's adventure time.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
13 Geocaching Lessons/tips
2) Magpies can be found guarding remote caches.
3) Remote caches always have the best stuff in them.
4) Micro-caches are very good fun!!!
5) Grassy hillsides often conceal rabbit holes, and other much larger holes.
6) Following stock tracks well may seem a good idea can actually be a lot more effort in the long run because. . . Stock don't necessarily want to go towards caches, sheep can climb ridiculously steep slopes with ease, and don't care about prickle bushes at all.
7) It is amazing running in the rain with low clouds. The sense of being the only person in the world is amazing.
8) Climbing fences is fun. However it often attracts the wrong sort of attention for a cacher.
9) Jumping down ledges can be quicker but leaves you feeling jarred and sore!
10) What looks like a row of rocks on you satellite map can actually be a cliff.
11) Having your GPS' battery run out 50m away from a cache when you have no idea what the description or the hint are is very frustrating!!!
12) Sometimes the cache just isn't there anymore. . .
13) Caching is awesome!!!!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Those that had it spend to long lamenting it.
Those that have never had it down play it to them selves in there mind.
Is it truly better to have Loved and lost that to never loved at all? At least with the never loved at all one can live in a world of self-deception free from the aches of the heart? Surely to have had Love and lost it would be to have never had true love at all?
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
1 Corinthians 13:4
Love never fails....And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13
Love is always. So if it is always then true love is eternal. So if "love" flickers and disbands. Then was this "love" true? was it there ever? Was that feeling really love? Or is everyone responsible for this love. We are the misguided and foolish youth, growing up on British pop songs and romantic comedies. We don't understand life, and we never will.
Is understanding what is important, does it bring happiness or is bliss the happier past. One of my friends when I joke to him about girls, and oh she's cute she works where you wok maybe you should try to get to know her. He always responds with anger. Is his anger from a deep sense of refusing to become aware? Or is it from a truly pessimistic view of the world? Where nothing ever works out as planned. Which is true to a point. I would say, nothing ever turns out as planned but sometimes things are better than you can ever imagine. Sometimes things suck.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Infinate Worries and Stresses
This latest prediction was to do with university, she reckons I'm gonna drink a lot. Which I've made up my mind to stay well away from. Next year is Study, Sport, Study, Church, Study, Study oh and did I mention Study? This is so I CAN get into med school. Alcohol is a useless distraction which alters the brain and helps people make decisions they regret later. If you can have fun without alcohol something is sad so very sad. Anyway that's my opinion! Most of the people I know do not drink sensibly and are always like ALCOHOL! WHOA! YEAH! We need to get some of that! whoop! Which is stupid when they get it they drink to much and do really stupid things. When in my opinion being sober and hanging out doing stuff is much more fun. Alcohol doesn't even taste nice! Why drink it when we can have ginger beer or coke? Much tastier beverages! Anyway that's me for my Thursday night rant. I was in the mood to rant. . .
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Distant Passenger
Perhaps its not you but I'm just looking for a scape goat for my lamenting. To explain why everything seems so utterly pointless all the time. I need to do something meaningful, save someones life, jump of a cliff or something to get some life juice flowing and then I need to keep that juice around and not let it be sucked out of me at school again. My holidays were awesome when I didn't remember things. At what point will I be able to look back on my memories and smile, or at least feel indifferent?
Oh Ranting. . .
Anyway I got offered a place to stay at Salmond College in dunners, and I think I'm gonna take it after I ask my auntie a bit more about it when she comes to stay tomorrow as it wasn't my first choice, and no one else I know of is going there, they all got into St. Margaret's! Oh well the idea of going to Otago was to start something knew make new friends and get away from events of this year. Oh and to study of course!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
My holidays!
The tramp was amazing lots of people from school, exploring a beautiful part of Gods creation with a great bunch of people. hanging out, playing cards, chatting and of course tramping!

Work was boring I got to do a stock take! Whoop! The vain of any sane persons existence. If going to university can do one thing I pray that it will get me a job where I WONT have to stock take, ever.
The BBQ was an interesting experience lots of school people but most of them younger than me and a bit odd and a few interesting people from throughout Christchurch. Great fun hanging out and getting to know people who I've known by sight but never ever talked to much.
The next week was pretty much all Kids Camp, which I went to after an awesome Gigglepop gig in which Jonny K dropped his pick and ended up screwing up his hand and covering his bass in blood! The concert was great although people and some of there actions made me feel first a bit sad and then later a tad lonely which was a bit sucky and even now its making my tummy knot thinking about it now (that could just be the sad british pop music im listening too atm. . .), but from then on it was on to kids camp!
Which was awesome, I got to kinda be the senior leader in a cabin with my new friend Reuben Posthuma, who was on his first camp. Well senior a bit of a push when it was only my second camp but hey that's one more than Reuben! :P We got an awesome cabin with some really cool kids in it and we almost won points a few times which was great cause last camp my cabin failed at points the whole camp! I can't wait for January camp now! It'l be great!!!
Before kids camp started Steven, Reuben and I went for an awesome geocaching adventure although it ended up being fruitless it was a great way to start a camp and the sunrise was pretty spectacular.

I truly am blessed to have such great opportunities and friends!
I Love them all! :)
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Theme Thursday - Fence
Geocaching is great fun, its a high tech treasure hunt using the internet, a gps (I use my iPhone 3G and the groundspeak app!), your legs, eyes, brain, and what ever else you have at your diposal to find hidden caches all around the world.
It my new addiction, the thrill when you stand at the gps location look around and think where on earth is that *checks description* small painted black cigerette tin, and then that BAM when you first spot it.
If you have a gps, or a gps enabled phone i recommend you go on over to and start hunting!
If you've already got an account add me!! "switchbladenz"
Anyhow heres a picture I took of the scenery near my first solo cache!

Saturday, September 18, 2010
I regularly, daily even make up my mind to go to bed at a reasonable hour tonight. That rarely happens.
I make up my mind to go for a run, nope that never happens either. I make up my mind to start doing at least one set of sit ups and push ups. Nope no way does that happen.
I make up my mind to do my homework, to study for the exam. Well this doesn't happen at all, and then in the exam I'm sitting there dying and feeling miserable because I know I had the time to learn the content. How I'm to lazy, I should be add up to more than this.
I make up my mind to do something about the misery and loneliness, this I decide can weight, or at least be postponed by worrying about all the other things I should be doing, well could be doing. Of course I'll probably just procrastinate. Waste my time, and continue to waste my life.
I know the solution to everything, It is get the hell of my ass and do something. It doesn't happen. Another day passes and nothing extraordinary happens. No memories are made, not lasting ones anyway. I'm to comfortable in this self inflicted misery. I used to wish for a natural disaster to make everything more exciting. It worked for a while, but I don't know if I will be lucky enough for another one to distract me. Perhaps a smaller scale disaster?
Perhaps not.
On Friday at the movies when I was watching Tomorrow When the War began I was thinking the whole time WOW. What an adventure. Not OMG there family, pets, friends, country has been taken over, they must be terrified. No I thought, that would be such an adventure. A perfect distraction from everything else. . .
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Fed up of it all, YOU ALL.
I'm so sick of everything, school, home, work, EVERYTHING!
I've realised something, well not realised its something I've always suspected. People are selfish. Atleast teenagers are. We think we're invincible, incredibly hypocritical, we think the world revolves around us and we think that everything is directed at us. I think the sooner everyone learns to get over themselves everything will be a lot happier. That or bloody hell I'm getting out of here as soon as I can.
Today I sent away applications for hotels next year in Dunedin, its terrifying to think I'll be away from my family, I know I'll miss my mum and her odd lectures and strange advice, or my dad with his random exciting story or events that he has to tell you 5 times! I'm pretty sure I'll even miss my brother with the I don't give a crap about school I'm a rock star attitude. I know it'll be an adventure, I don't mean it in the dads trying to make something sound better than it i kinda way. I mean it in a Famous Five kind of way.
I can't wait to escape school all these stupid selfish self obsessed people I have to live with most days. Its exhausting. Only a few more weeks, of that place. I will miss the place, I've been there over 13years now. Some of the people I'll miss, not being able to see some people as often. Others I'll be glad for the break. I think your like my Oma. She's a wonderful kind old lady, just EXTREMELY ANNOYING if you spend to much time with her, you'll get her life story. Days of smiling and nodding have tortured me in the past, she follows you if you start listening.
Don't get me wrong I Love my Oma, she's an awesome person. In controlled doses. I think this seems to be happening at school at the moment. Its kinda like cabin fevers going on. Those people you can only enjoy for so long are continually being thrown at you and every ones cracking.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Theme Thursday - Reason
Been busy this week, quake shook things up and I forgot to check theme thurday until 1/4 12 on thursday! Usually I'm a bit more orgainised and have my blog ready to post on the wednesday! :/
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Half awake I woke up and heard my mum yell "It's an earthquake get in a doorframe". Still half awake I peaked out from under my covers to see everything on my shelves leaping towards me and hearing things falling of desks and cabinets in every direction. This is crazy I said to myself as I pulled my duvet over my head, to which the earths reaction was "NO, your getting up now!" and the intensity of the shaking increased. Leaping out of bed I stumbled out of my bed to my doorway where I stayed until the shakes were dying down and my mum yelled get outside!
With adrenaline pumping through my body I bounded down the stairs with them still shaking to where my dad was and he quickly thrust a jacket into my hands and told me to get outside. We ran just in time before the next quake hit. Standing there with my parents and my brother we heard the earth grinding somewhere of in the distance and heard the rattling of our house.
Terrified to go back in we stayed outside, luckily for us we're one of those families with more cars than garage room for so we huddled into the back of my dads truck and listened to the radio to find out what was going on. Here we stayed for an hour an a half before we were sure there weren't going to be any more big shakes. It's sunday night now and there have been lots of smaller aftershocks. It's gotten to the point were we trust our new houses structural integrity so much that we just pause for the duration of the quake and think to our selves ok in a few seconds I might dive for the door frame or under that table, but before those seconds are up it's all over and we continue with what we're doing.
We were quite lucky my house is only about 5yrs old and building restrictions in NZ mean that it has to be built to survive atleast a 8.5 earthquake. The worst thing for us was the power cut which meant no running water and facebook!
Thankfully theres were no deaths in the city where older buildings have collapsed. A few historic buildings have been written off which is sad. School is cancelled for two days which is both cool and annoying as I was wanting to use my teachers for revision for exams in a few days! Argh!!!
It was quite fun though sitting in the sun on Saturday with my family eating food from a freezer and discussing what we should do if our power doesn't come back. It's been an exciting week, even if it provided me with enough excitement to nuglect my study for prelim exams!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
5 things I could have said.
One of my favourite bits in the book is the part when Rob gets a phone call from Ray. The guy that his then ex-girlfriend Laura moved in with when she left him. The book then goes through the entire phone call and then thiers a list of other things he could have said, ranging from hanging up, to completely abusing the hell outta Ray, with the conclusion any of these things would have been a better alternative than what he actually said. Its so realistic though. I mean when we say something to someone, or that someone over hears then we rethink it. These situations happened to me twice in the weekend.
One was a phone call. I got it and was nice and kind and the person was nice and kind and it all confused the hell out of me. It got me worried and worked up about something, someone I really shouldn't care that much about. Not because I don't want to so much as they don't want me too. To be honest the way I handled that call ruined my weekend and I spent most of Sunday debating in my head how I should have handled it.
- Fuck off it's 5 am.
- Piss of you stupid drunken idiot, I hate you and all you've done leave me alone.
- Are you alright? Do you need me to come around? What happened etc. . . .
- I hate you, your a whore, I don't know if I can ever forgive you for what you've done, I know its not all your fault but you didn't have to be such a slut about it. I thought I might have meant more, blah blah blah. (Ok this response would've probably brought out drunken tears, and for some reason this doesn't bother me as much as It probably should.)
- Ignored the whole situation.
I then spent the whole day regretting not doing option 5, or, 1, or 2, mostly 4 though, well regretting not going with option four and watching out to see if you did come, if you did remember my invitation and that you did care about me and it wasn't just because you were drunk. I was severely disappointed. Then I asked you about it and it was almost at bad as having to listen to you not do any work in statistic's class and talk about him.
Fuck you.
Before anyone says's anything to me about this all. It's my blog I can post what ever I want. Maybe I'm still this way because I am just a Patsy for your love?
Ok the other situation was a little less dramatic more of a quick speech thing, when I responded to something someone said with the wrong words. It was about someone missing a penalty in golden goal extra time. I said that'd make you want to commit suicide. I mean what the hell was I on? What I meant it that'd make you just want to disappear, you'd feel miserable. A person next to me over heard and commented on what a dumb thing I said. Someone nice who'd make a good friend, and I couldn't look at them for the next while cause I felt so stupid. Spent all of Sunday evening regretting not thinking about what I said. . . Almost tempted me to jump into the wine at my Nana's birthday dinner. However after the 5am experience I think alcohol is best to be avoided for everyone in every situation. Unless you in an emergency situation and you need to do something painful to someone and thiers no pain killers. . . Maybe then alcohol could be helpful.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Letter to a much younger me.
Dear Younger Sam,
Don't worry everything will be cool. Listen to more music, and remember just cause you don't like a band doesn't mean no one else should.
Play Canoe Polo as soon as you can. It's epic and you don't want to only play it for school in your last year!
Remember your friends, remember and the lyrics "Your best friend is not your girlfriend."
Don't waste so much money on junk food. Watch out for girls, the can rock your world to ruin. Look out for one called Tash.
Ignore your dad's teasing it is possibly, healthy even to have girls that are friends.
Study more, be a girly swat, more badges will look nice on your blazer.
Don't give up on soccer, after all your friends leave Halswell you should have tried Rolleston.
Get your licence earlier it will give you so much more freedom and free time. You wouldn't have had to waste so much time on the bus getting across town.
Trial for every team you would like to get into even if its a long shot its worth the experience! Do the subjects at school you enjoy not just the ones your good at. Remember accounting is boring, do bio instead.
Don't bother doing archery, you'll hate it.
Statistics is not maths don't bother doing it, do calculus if you can.
Don't pass up any opportunities for adventure. Remember it is better to regret doing something than not doing it. (Within reason).
Video games are not a productive pass time, try to do something else.
Start learning drums sooner rather than later so that you have some kind of mastery when you get to an age where you care about that sort of thing.
Read instructions for tests and assignments, so you don't miss out on merit credits that would get you an endorsement!!!
Have fun you Muppet and don't be such a patsy!
Yours Sincerely
Older and hopefully some what more enlightened Sam.
I wonder if that note would have changed anything? Even if I wouldn't have understood any of it straight away.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Theme Thursday - Equal
Supply and Demand. The point at which people agree to purchase so much of a good or service and other people agree to produce that amount. When the supply is equal to the demand. The incentives could be the need to eat, money, clothing, anything. The point is in any given market there is equilibrium. The point at which everyone is happy! We have allocative efficiency as everyones surplus' are maximised.
Its not, one person consuming one good might cause someone else pain. Think a drunk driver hitting another car. You now have an example of a negative externality of consumption for alcohol. Now an economist would tell you that any such good although it has negatives also has its positives and so a corrective tax should be placed not a total ban of the good.

If you understand that you could almost get 5 NCEA credits in NZ!
I hope nobodies been bored to death. I was working on an assignment pretty much all week and that's been the crux of it. Sigh, the boredom of assignments. -.-
Monday, August 23, 2010
A Wise Word
On Friday I meet new people something that scared me. Surprise surprise It wasn't half as scary as I thought it'd be! And now I have some new acquaintances.
On Saturday I went on a road trip with Rich, Linz, Rod, and Alice. (Youth Pastor, Youth leader, Pastor, and Youth group Kid/Pastors daughter). To Greymouth. Which was a bit scary especially with Richards Driving! I also messaged someone from Friday on facebook. Which was a very interesting experience, its interesting to see how many times you can re-write a 20 word message before you send it! Then I replied to a text I had no idea I would've got although it was nice and stayed up texting well into the night and until my birthday! Which was Sunday.
On Sunday It was my birthday, I played drums in church, not even my own church. Something that had been terrifying me all week! And you know what? It wasn't that bad. I think I might put myself back on the roster at my own church and start practising the drums again!
Now its Monday, I texted someone to ask them something when I half expected them to turn around and murder me, they didn't but It wasn't a massive request in the text so who knows! Maybe when they see me they will?
Tomorrow's Tuesday and I intend to continue this new trend! Hopefully it'll help to make each day an adventure! :P
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Theme Thursday - Brush
Hero's are everywhere though, think about the guy that plays sport and for some reason always gets majorly taken out, and when you see them go down you always cringe, you can feel the pain of there tumble from across the field. Only moments later though they are jumping up and playing again, saving a goal, making an amazing tackle. Brushing off there pain. You even wonder if they were hurt by the fall until you see them moments later after the ball is away from them and they shake there ankle or clutch there side before the look to the side line for a substitution. That to me is an act of heroism.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Get used to your own Company.
Well over the last however long since that post I've been alone alot. I've been thinking about that statement. Not directly but under different headings. Like what should I do then? Why did I do that? My favourite is WTF did you say that you must've looked like a retard. All this has been while I've been alone which is a fair bit. My house is a little in the wop wops, so I have a minimum of half an hour driving a day where I'm alone, most days I have something else on so the driving times even longer. Or sitting in my room with my music going, pretending/avoiding doing homework and wasting my life away. I even started another campaign on Rome Total War. I only seem to do that when I'm really bored. It's depressing because you can never actually conquer everything, not with out more patience than I can muster. However back to the point.
You need to get used to your own company, I seem to have a mixed relationship with myself. You know how theres those things you like about yourself or the few things that boost your confidence, then theres things you don't like or sensitive about. One of those things was last week in the library a girl told me her friend liked me. I was shocked at the time, and because they were yr 7 it weirded me out a bit. However it was nice to be thought of even if that one girl was trying to embarrass her friend that I was good looking enough? to make the 12yr old blush.
As I said earlier the reflections on actions like why I did that, why'd you say that? Or you could do that. Are these the normal conversations one has in there head when there alone? Do people even have conversations in there head? cause then that'd imply two parties? Am I nuts? Or am i just getting used to my own company and forming my own quirky type relationship with me?
Ultimately am I used to being by myself? That's probably the worst thing for me about driving, all that freedom to go where I want. You just have to drive there, and theres no one to go with but me myself an I. Sometimes I cant stand me, or I, definitely not myself he's a bit of a douche.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Anyhow I'm avoiding what this post is really supposed to be about. I got an email from my football coach, with "Phillip" in the subject line. My first thought was perhaps someone pressed the wrong button and had emailed me there selection for player player. When I opened it I read some shocking news. My Coach was emailing us to inform us that Phil a member of our team and his son had died last night at about 8.45 in a car crash.
Phil was only a little bit older than me. He was a nice guy. He offered to give me Woodstock when I told him I was going to a party one week. He was the guy in the team that always asked everyone what plans they had for the weekend. He was the guy that first talked to me when I joined the team at the beginning of the season. He was friendly with everyone. I guess now he's gone. We weren't close or anything. He's someone I've seen almost every week all winter. He's was the guy that would sub off and let me get more match time. Partly cause he was knackered, partly so he could hold his girlfriends hand.
To be honest its more odd than anything. Odds not the right word. I guess I'm still shocked. Someone I saw on Tuesday at practice who I was quite proud of myself for skinning (Zooming past him in a game with the ball and leaving him in the dust), Isn't going to be at our last game of the season.
Our game tomorrow has been postponed. Our coach contacted the competition organisers.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Theme Thursday - Palm
To have something in the palm of your hand means you have complete control over it. Seems like an Idealic statement. How can you have true control over anything? At school at the moment we're learning about Private and Mixed goods. The difference being that mixed goods have an externality an unexpected event cause by the consumption of the mixed good. Life is a mixed good. Everything we do effects everything else. Have you seen the movie the Butterfly Effect? Its where the main character can focus his energy and go back to a moment in his life where he "blacked out" and relive these moments and change the events that happened. In each situation he changes he ends up in a new situation. New friends, the girl he likes is with someone else, or with him. He's friends with the massive goth kid or they've never even met.
Perhaps the externalities we cause arent as massive, changing what we do at one paticular moment shouldn't change the outcomes now should they?
It does make you think though, what if at that moment? What if I had been smarter? Better? Braver? The regrets of the things you should've, could've done.
For me the moment I always think about is when I was in my 3rd year at school. Room 11. My teacher Mrs Lawn came up to me at lunch and asked me if I wanted to be in the play for end of year assembly. After a brief thought I declined. My then bestfriend was asked and he did the part. You could maybe say I palmed the part off to him. :P (Extra points for getting another phrase related to palms right?). He's now a bit of a drama buff, a musician, happy to get infront of a crowd and address them. I'm not saying this one experience made him what he is today. It certainly helped. What if I rather than declining Mrs Lawn had been brave enough to say yes? What if I'd had that part. How would it have changed me? Would I be braver? Less shy? Would that experience at such a young stage of life turned me into an ultimately more extroverted person?
I don't know if it would. I do know that if I knew what I knew know about life and experiences I have had. I would have said yes. If I had a time machine I would tell little 9yr old me to do it. Be brave do the play.
Perhaps then it would mean that I had more control over life in the palm of my hand? Simply because it would change the space of my mind. Of course dwelling on the past living with regrets is stupid. "If we hold on to the past then we cannot fully embrace the present" Is a phrase I recently heard. Its so simple yet so amazingly true. The same could be said about worrying about the future. Or holding on to the what ifs. I think of all the times I have spent hours dreaming of what could have happened. The what ifs. I've wasted so much time on the what ifs. Its a bad habit I'm working on breaking. Need to start on the what do I do RIGHT NOW. Then rather than sitting staring at space perhaps I should be studying, or atleast doing the homework I never do. Who knows!
Ok this post seems a bit of a shambles now. . . Nevermind! Happy Theme thursday!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Theme Thursday - Brown
Recently at my house there has been a bit of rain. Meaning some areas of my nice green lawn that are frequently trodden on mainly by my dog Max.
Apologies for the rather under thought out theme Thursday. Usually I take a lot of time to think about it but been busy this week with assignments, going to the Pixies, and group practises for a house singing competition at school. (I'm dancing going to be fail. . . )
P.S. I uploaded a video of Canoe Polo to my blog if your interested it's the post below this one!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Canoe Polo
I'm number 5 in the Blue team. This is only the first half, we won in the end 4-3. Our first win against a full team!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Theme Thursday - Light
When I think about light the first thing that pops into my mind is the light at the end of the tunnel. You know how often in movies when someones knocked out or dazed or injured someone jumps in and tells that character stay away from the light! As if the light means some sort of passing to the after life.
I thought what if the light isn't the afterlife but hope of the afterlife. Then the tunnel could signify any sort of hardship, and the light is the foreseeable hope. Like is aforementioned movie character died, going towards the light would be hope of heaven.
Hope being something that's bright and shining and essential to navigate through life with.
One of those shining lights that my mum has been giving me a lot recently and although most of the time she's told me I've wanted to slap her and tell her to shut up (something I'd never do. . . well the first half). My first and only girlfriend broke up with me, well a while ago now. I seeing all the light in the situation now. My mum throughout all those month has been reminding me that I am a nice boy, and there are plenty of nice girls out there for me. The reason I wanted to slap her was because at the time immediately and a while after the break up it felt like there was no one else for me and that the world was a very unhappy place. Now however that piece of encouragement is a shining light of hope in my future. Probably not immediate, but hey I'm year 13! and next year Uni! I've got life experiences to have!
Another bright and shining hope was yesterday after my canoe polo game, I was chatting with a guy on my team we were talking about our plans for next year. When I told him I wanted to go do medicine and become a doctor. Rather than being negative like so many other people before him, he immediately asked me what specialty I'd be interested in. I could have kissed him! (Figuratively speaking of course!). That sort of encouragement made my day! The fact that someone from my school that didn't know me amazingly well thought I could become a doctor, and didn't laugh, or say something like, "So you do all the sciences then?" Or "I hear it's hard work." I guess that was more of a lamp post in my tunnel than hope. It still made my day.
I'm aware that this theme thursday post could possibly be seen as a twist on the theme, but hey whats life without a bit of spice?
Anyway what are the lights at the end of your tunnels?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Another one of these awful things! I was bored.
► Age: 17, 11months, 5days
► Will you answer all questions truthfully: yes
► Are you single: yes
► Are you happy: Not really
► Are you bored: I'm doing this
► Are you sad: sad? Not particually, sometimes, sometimes I'm happy. I'm mainly kind of flat
► Are you Italian: no
► Are you German: no My Oma's from Germany
► Are you Asian: no
► Are you angry: Probably holding on to some anger I shouldn't be. Angry I couldn't find something that I wanted so badly to smash! GRRRrRRRRrrr
► Are you Irish: no
► Are your parents still married: Yes
► Birth Place: Dunedin NZ
► Hair Colour: Mouse
► Eye color: blue
► Birthday: August 22nd
► Mood: Tired
► Gender: male
► Lefty or Righty: Right
► Summer or Winter: A little bit of both, I don't think I could cope with only one to be honest. I enjoy the rain, I enjoy the sun, I enjoy the snow, I enjoy the beach!
► Morning or Afternoon: Afternoon?
► Are you in love: . . .
► Do you believe in love at first sight: you have to believe in love fo that.
► Who ended your last relationship: she did
► Have you ever been hurt: yes
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart: I don't think so, no ones ever told me that I have,
► Are you friends with your ex: :/
► Are you afraid of commitment: No
► Have you hugged someone within the last week: I've been hugged, Last hug was probably over a week ago.
► Have you ever had a secret admirer: wouldn't the fact that knowing about them make them a known admirer and not a secret anymore?
► Have you ever broken your own heart?: This question confuses me. Is this like wanting a soft toy really bad and going to the shop to buy it and its gone and your completely crushed? Cause when I was little there was a Pikachu I wanted really bad. . .
► Love or Lust: Love
► Lemonade or Iced tea: Iced tea
► Cats or Dogs: Depends on the mood, Both?
► A few best friends or many regular friends: Few
► Television or Internet: Internet
► Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
► Wild night out or romantic night in: Romantic Night
► Pink or Purple: Hard one.
► Day or Night: Day
► IM or Phone: phone
► Been caught sneaking out: Nope.
► Fallen off the stairs: Yep
► White water rafted: Not in proper white water! :P
► Finished an entire jawbreaker: No, the end up getting thrown out or the dog gets to them.
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?: hurt?
► Prank called a store: No
► Skipped School: Yes
► Wanted to disappear: Like go "Poof" and no more? I have been wanting one of those cracks from Doctor Who to open up in my wall so I can go through it.
► Smile or Eyes: Both
► Light or Dark Hair: Dark
► Fat or Skinny: Normal
► Shorter or Taller: Same height or slightly shorter
► Intelligence or Attraction: Both
► Jock or Nerd: Again with the extremes!
► Hook-up or Relationship: Relationship
► Funny and poor OR Rich and serious: Money can't buy happiness.
► Last phone call you received: my Mum
► Last person you hung out with: Jacob
► Last person you hugged: Matt
► Last person you IM'ed: No idea, oh a friend whos been taken over by a bot!
► Last thing you ate: Cookie
► Last thing you drank: Milk
► Last site you went to: Dailybooth
► Last place you were: Bedroom
► Are you in a committed relationship: No
► Do you want to be: Not right now
► Have you ever loved a guy/girl more than anything else in the world? Yes, I won't make that mistake again.
► Do you still love them: Yes, but not in the same way.
► Do you like someone right now: Not particually. Made a fool of myself when I thought I might've, when really I knew I didn't.
► Do you and your family get along: Mostly, we're a family afterall
► Would you say you have a "messed up life": I seem to enjoy making it seem messy when it's not really. Don't want to miss out on drama's!
► Have you ever run away from home: Theres been times in the past when I went and stayed the nights at a persons house. Mainly to be with them, and partly to get away from home.
► Have you ever got kicked out: nope
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends: Theres friends, and theres friends. The difference is very few are friends, and others are people you know that you'd call a friend if asked but really your not that close. But no I don't hate any of them, might hate somethings they've said or done.
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends: Nope.
► Would you die for them: I don't think so.
► Who knows everything about you: No one
5 places you would like to live in
►1) Christchurch
►2) Brisbane
►3) London
►4) Paris
►5) An Island
Sunday, July 25, 2010
"There's a certain kind of dispair that sets in when we believe that things were better back then.
When we're stuck back there.
When we're not fully present,
When we're holding on to how things were, our arms aren't free to embrace today."
I guess that it's become the quote of my weekend. Its kind of in line with what I've been trying to think, and process through my heart and mind.
The great thing about Nooma what Raiders/Invaders does is that its full of bible verses that relate to what its saying which means it's all biblically based as well so it's all real advice thats been God inspired.
Anyhow do you agree with the quote? Why or Why not? Do you agree with me that it's a good quote?
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Theme Thursday - Park
I remember the first time I rode my bike with no training wheels was in a park. It was many many years ago. We had gone to visit my Oma and Grandad and because they lived in another town we had to take my bike. My Dad had promised me that he's show me how to ride my bike without the training wheels.
When we got to my grandparents house I insisted on going to the park before we had lunch. So we had to go. My Grandad came to watch. We found a soccer field and my dad got out his tools and unscrewed the training wheels and I was off. I remember how easy it was, I didn't crash at all!
Other memories at the park include picnic's with my friends, one picnic I had with one person in Autumn because we missed spring and summer. It was a great picnic.
Adventures like the up hill adventure I had with some people a few weeks ago.
More first time adventures in the park in akaroa. Like getting lost in the so called garden of Tane, which turns out to be a natural maze.
Parks are beautiful places, allowing children to learn to ride there bikes, play in the playground. Slightly older children and adults play sport. Life needs parks. I know my life does and my world does. Parks are happy places, green grass, blue sky, smiling flowers, and mighty trees.
Everythings looking up!
Yesterday, Jacob, Matt and I set out on an epic adventure. We went to the Maltworks. We explored those asbestos positive things! It was heaps of fun. I took over 350photo's! I was really happy, afterwards and didn't even get phased that much when someone let down the air in the tires of my car, which meant I had to take tires off! ARGH!
Anyway it was a great adventure, and I finally got to the top! which I discovered really isn't that hard or scary. I don't know why I freaked out so much when we went as a group. Or when I went by myself last week. O.o
It was nice to be on a high, nice to forget about everything else and just explore. Pretend to be zombie killers searching for something and fighting against the king Zombie!
Monday, July 19, 2010
One of those tick the box things
[] I am shorter than 5’4.
[] I think I’m ugly sometimes.
[] I have many scars.
[] I tan easily
[] I wish my hair was a different color.
[] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
[] I have a tattoo.
[] I am self-conscious about my appearance.
[] I wear glasses
[] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
[] I’ve been told I’m attractive by a complete stranger.
[] I have more than 2 piercings.
[] I have piercings in places besides my ears.
[x] I have freckles.
[x] I’ve sworn at my parents.
[] I’ve run away from home.
[] I’ve been kicked out of the house.
[X] My biological parents are together.
[] I have a sibling less than one year old.
[x] I want to have kids someday.
[] I want to adopt someday.
[] I’ve lost a child.
[x] I’m in school
[x] I have a job.
[] I’ve fallen asleep at work/school.
[] I almost always do my homework.
[x] I’ve missed a week or more of school.
[] I’ve stolen something from my job
[] I’ve been fired.
[x] I’ve slipped out a “lol” in a spoken conversation.
[x] Disney movies still make me cry.
[] I’ve snorted while laughing.
[] I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried.
[x] I’ve glued my hand to something
[] I’ve laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose.
[x] I’ve had my trousers rip in public.
[] I was born with a disease/impairment.
[] I’ve gotten stitches.
[] I’ve broken a bone.
[] I’ve had my tonsils removed.
[] I’ve sat in a doctors office with a friend.
[] I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed.
[] I had a serious surgery.
[x] I’ve had chicken pox.
[] I have/had asthma.
[x] I’ve driven over 200 miles in one day.
[x] I’ve been on a plane.
[] I’ve been to Canada.
[] I’ve been to Mexico.
[] I’ve been to Niagara Falls.
[] I’ve been to Japan.
[] I’ve Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
[] I’ve been to Europe.
[] I’ve been to Africa.
[] I’ve gotten lost in my city.
[x] I’ve seen a shooting star.
[x] I’ve wished on a shooting star.
[] I’ve seen a meteor shower.
[x] I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas.
[x] I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
[] I’ve been to a casino.
[] I've been skydiving.
[x] I've gone skinny dipping.
[] I’ve played spin the bottle.
[] I’ve drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
[x] I’ve crashed a car.
[x] I’ve been Skiing
[] I’ve been in a play.
[x] I’ve met someone in person from the internet.
[x] I’ve caught a snowflake on my tongue.
[] I’ve seen the Northern Lights.
[x] I’ve sat on a roof top at night.
[] I’ve played chicken.
[x] I’ve played a prank on someone.
[x] I’ve ridden in a taxi.
[] I’ve seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[x] I’ve eaten Sushi.
[x] I’ve been snowboarding.
[] I’ve gone on a blind date.
[x] I miss someone right now.
[] I have a fear of abandonment.
[] I’ve gotten divorced
[] I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t.
[x] I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did.
[x] I’ve told someone I loved them and didn’t get a clear response
[x] I’ve felt rejected even if I wasn’t.
[] I’ve loved someone I knew a friend was already in love with.
[x] I’ve done something I promised someone else I wouldn’t.
[x] I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t.
[x] I’ve snuck out of my house.
[] I have lied to my parents about where I am.
[x] I am keeping a secret from the world
[x] I’ve cheated while playing a game.
[x] I’ve cheated on a test.
[] I’ve been suspended from school.
[x] I’ve consumed alcohol.
[] I regularly drink.
[] I can’t swallow pills.
[] I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem.
[] I have been diagnosed with clinical depression.
[x] I sometimes shut others out when I’m depressed.
[] I take anti-depressants.
[] I have been diagnosed with anorexia or bullimia.
[] I’ve slept an entire day when I didn’t need it.
[] I’ve hurt myself on purpose.
[] I’ve woken up crying.
[] I’m afraid of dying.
[x]I hate funerals.
[]I’ve seen someone dying.
[] I own over 5 rap CDs.
[x] I own an iPod or MP3 player.\
[] I have an unhealthy obsession with anime/manga.
[] I own something from Hot Topic.
[] I own something from Pac Sun.
[] I collect comic books.
[] I own something from Abercrombie.
[] I’ve stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
[] I open up to others easily.
[] I watch the news.
[x] I don’t kill bugs.
[x] I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for the sake of being able to rhyme.
[] I curse regularly.
[] I sing in the shower.
[] I am a morning person.
[] I paid for my cell phone ring tone.
[] I obsess over grammar.
[] I am a sports fanatic.
[] I twirl my hair
[] I have “x”s in my screen name
[x] I love being neat
[] I love Spam.
[] I’ve copied more than 30 CD’s in a day
[] I can cook.
[] My favourite color is either white, yellow, pink, red, black or blue.
[] I would wear pajamas to school.
[] I like Martha Stewart.
[] I know how to shoot a gun.
[x] I am in love.
[] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
[] I laugh at my own jokes.
[x] I eat fast food weekly.
[] I believe in ghosts.
[x] I am online a lot, even as an away message.
[] I’ve not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class.
[x] I can’t sleep if there is a spider in the room.
[] I can’t sleep if there is a roach in the room.
[x] I am really ticklish.
[] I love white chocolate
[x] I bite my nails.
[x] I play video games.
[] I’m good at remembering faces.
[] I’m good at remembering names.
[] I’m good at remembering dates.
[] I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life
Saturday, July 17, 2010
My Plans
Last day of my holidays, before going to school for my second to last term ever. Scary when I think of it like that. Over these holidays and the weeks before it I have made some major decisions. I'm pretty happy about them. I know roughly have a 10yr plan. Not sure how that will fan out seeing as I can't keep with 1 month plans, or even plans I make for the morning!
The plan as it stands is, Finish school. Work hard in chemistry, work harder in economic's star course to bring my pass marks up to >80% (currently they're probably in late 60's early 70's).
Year 1 Go to university. Most likely Otago.
Year 1-6 Work hard. Become a doctor.
Year 7 Do my elective overseas somewhere that would need a doctor, somewhere I probably would never get the chance to work or go.
Year 7-8 Locum for a while. (Provided I don't get tied down anywhere) Pay of student loans, etc and save money.
Year 9-10 Travel the world see everything that there is to see with the money I have saved, hopefully may have found somewhere I want to live by the end of it.
As of right now that is how my 10 year plan stands. I think the possible beauty of this plan is that although it has some fixed routes, it is open for so much deviation. So many forseeable and unforseeable things could come along, leave, dance about, mess things around, and the bare bones of this plan would remain unchanged.
I can see the genius of finishing university before I explore the world, having money would mean I could explore more places, for longer, have a much wider experience and be a lot more able to cope with a disaster. Than say I went next year. Of course I am somewhat lucky having made a decision about what I want to do.
The other part I like about my plans, is that they are mine. I have come up with them for the most part. I have talked about them with my parents, my Oma some people from church various family friends. They all agree that I can achieve them which is a lot more encouraging than the laughs of the girl from school, which when I heard them cut deep. I thought friends are supposed to support each others dreams, not laugh at them. Perhaps she was just teasing, or thought I wasn't being serious. Who knows, does it really matter anymore? No.
I am an Individual, I can forge my own path in this world. I can do it with some people or without them. The only person that truely matters in my lifes plans anymore is me.
Love is a mutt from hell that I can't live without but I'm sure I can cope without if need be.
This plan is mine, for my life. I'm certain it is the first plan that I have had in atleast 4 and a half years, that is just for me. Every other one has involved someone else, been for them to succeed. Now I can make my own plans. I don't have to concern myself with her dreams, I can begin to have my own again. Now they can be mine, rather than my dreams being for her dreams to succeed. So thank you to her, and I hope all her dreams become true.
PS The picture is just of some of the things I found in my car today when I was cleaning it, thought I'd blog about them but the blog panned out differently. :)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Theme Thursday - Help
Here goes.
"Help, I need somebody." . . . etc.
Interestingly and conveniently I'm on a first aid course at the moment, which is all about helping someone when your the first on the scene. I'm taking it because I was considering, I'm now almost certain that I want to become a doctor. I've just got to get over that dizziness I get when people talk about broken bones, and bodily fluids around me. . . It's do able! There was a girl in my mum's class at med school that fainted everyday, when she saw blood, now she's a GP! So obviously it can be conquered!
My mum and all her doctor friends are keen to help, they like to tell me all there grossest doctor stories, to prepare me? I think, or to terrify me away from it. I'm not sure! Some of there stories are really gross. . .
I'm going to incredibly cliche and point out that one doctors are one of the most obvious people when it comes to this theme help. They help when your in pain. Like few weeks ago one fixed my little finger when I dislocated it. Very painful, however I'm glad to say it was the most painful thing I've experienced. The main reason I'm thinking I want to be a doctor is to help people. I reckon that if I can help people, make them feel better, then there will be some obvious satisfaction. I think having a job like that where everyday you're achieving something and making a difference to lots of people. There are other reasons as well. I mean committing to 4yrs university, then 2yrs as a house surgeon, 6 years of hard work you need to be certain and have a lot of good reason. I've been thinking about it for months, helping people and make a difference, while hopefully being interesting is the main reason.
Admittedly another reason is when this girl at school laughed at me when I told her. Gotta prove her wrong! That is of course near the bottom of my list though.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
The Meat Processing Plant
Thomas and I had just got jobs at this meat processing plant. Not something anyone that knew us would expect us to do, Thomas wants to study to be an accountant and I want to be a doctor. Anyhow on our first day at this factory, we saw some of the fellow workers attacking someone, we both rushed over to help this person who turned out to be a young Asian women, who due to he uniform also worked at the plant. They had her on the ground and stomping on her, and talking about raping her. The two of us tried to stop them. We grabbed big metal poles and managed to bet them off of this women. We told them "What they were doing was despicable and that we would talk to someone about this as they obviously weren't fit for society."
To which the replied "We'll get you. Get you bad."
We helped the young women up and got to a first aid kit and started cleaning her up. When there was more commotion outside, sounded like the same guys were at it again.
I got there first told Thomas to look after the girl. This time it was the same guys, and some of there friends at it with another girl. They men looked towards this one man who stood a head above the rest, skinnily built. Holding a large hunting knife. He had a large scar around his throat. The men looked at me and said that's him boss. He smiled widely, creepily.
"Welcome to my factory!", he roared.
The men, his men all chuckled and laughed like he had just said the most hysterical thing they had ever heard. They were obviously cracked in the head.
As calmly as I could I asked him what he was doing to that women. He smiled at me chuckled, and informed me that "This women does not exists."
I told him "she obviously does." He said it's time for you to leave. I told him I couldn't do that not until his men stopped attacking the women and I managed to get her to a hospital.
That was the last thing I remembered, I awoke on the floor with a thumbing headache someone had snuck up behind me and smashed me in the head with a pipe. I was in the mincing room they had dragged me there. Thomas was tied up next to me and the two Asian girls were there. Looking very much worse for where, not really in any state to move, or to struggle, looking very much violated. The men were all cheery and laughing, seeing that I was awake one of them sneered at me, "This is what we do at our factory."
Dazed and horrified I watched them pick up the two women and drop them into the mincer. They then started towards me, chuckling. The man with the scar then leaned over into my face, I could smell his unbrushed teeth and the vodka. I could see the flakes from a pastry he must have eaten recently. It smelt like mince. I needed to throw up. He grabbed me by the collar and pulled me up into his face.
"You see this is what happens in my factory, and its what will happen to you if you try to stop me, but only after everyone you love."
Ungracefully he dropped to the floor and reached into my jacket and took my wallet. Emptying it of the cash, and pulling out a picture, one that I had no idea I had. From long ago. He looked at it, the cruel grin returned to his face and he leaned in close again.
"Starting with her."
With that him and his men left, chuckling and smashing bottles. I even heard them chanting, and cheering.Then I past out.
Hours later I woke, my head was killing me, and I was bruised all over. Weakly I got up, I found a stick to use as a crutch my ankle was swollen, I think it had meet with a pipe during the beating before. Thomas was still out cold. I limped to get help, I got to a phone call and rung an ambulance for him. Across the road from the factory I saw a police truck, pushing 20 or 30 people all of them female and all of them Asian. This was too much of a coincidence. I limped over to talk to the police.
"They're all illegal immigrants," said then first cop as he saw me crossing the street. "Whoa what happened to you?"
At this point my ankle gave out, I collapsed into the gutter, blackness fulled my vision. When I woke up I was in the hospital. A nurse was in the room, checking the IV lines attached to my arm.
"Ah you're awake the doctor wants to talk to you, and so do the police." she said nodding to the hallway.
"What? why?" everything was still foggy I went to scratch my head. It was then I realised I was handcuffed.
The police officer came in, I told him everything I could remember, the last part was a bit foggy.
"Do you have any id?" so we can call you relatives or something.
It was then I remembered my wallet, and my picture.
"I need to go right now" I said rising from the bed.
"No you can't leave"
"Why can't I?"
"Look at you wrist for starters" said the cop. I remembered the handcuffs, nice to see the police have a sense of humor.
"I have to go this thing is getting allot more complicated quickly, your story seems to match with what the women we picked up today. I think we can safely take those off though" He reached down unlocked the cuffs picked up his hat and left hurriedly.
I knew I had to leave now, by now the scarred man would know I'd been with the police. The girl in the photo, wasn't safe. I watched the policeman get into the elevator. I jumped out of bed, there were crutches leaned up against the wall. I grabbed them. Quickly I left the hospital, I flagged down a cab. The driver didn't need to know I wasn't planning on paying him yet.
When we got to the plant, it had changed, there were men everywhere it was swarm. These men had guns, the man with the scar had made himself an army. Across the entrance way to the plant there was a message for me. In the photo in my wallet she'd been wearing a black t-shirt, with a cartoon character on it. That t-shirt was now hungover the sign.
"Stop!" I yelled at the cab driver. I leapt out of the taxi, I knew there was a uniform in the gate house, I'd seen it that morning. Quickly I found it and put it on.
Silently I snuck into the factory.
Suddenly there was someone infront of me. He was smoking, lent up against the wall. A gun was next to him. This was what I needed. There was an axe on the wall. I picked it up. . . Slowly i stepped forward. I raised the axe up, hesitated. Then brought the handle down on the mans head. He collapsed. There was a cupboard across the hallway. I opened it up and placed him inside. Hoping he was going to be knocked out for long enough.
I picked up his gun. and continued through the factory. I was on the main factory floor. There up in the control room I could see her, she looked scared. She looked untouched, apart from a bruise on her cheek. She was strung up on a set of bars. Placed there to be obvious to everyone. There he was as well, chewing on a piece of jerky, with a pistol in his hand. Next to him on the table there was a bottle of Vodka. He wasn't alone there were another couple of men, some I recognised. One had a bandage over his head. He must have been one of the men from my earlier meetings. I made mental note to avoid him.
Suddenly there was a crash, the men in the control room looked at the scared man. He shrugged. It was obvious they all knew what to do, they ran off. The scarred man lit a cigarette and took a swing from his bottle. Said something to the girl from the photograph, and gave one of his laughs. He was clearly insane.
I could hear dogs, the police? If they were here was she safe?
Quickly I headed to the control room. I had to pause for what seemed like forever as the man with the bandage talked to some more men. He must have been some sort of lieutenant.
I managed to get up to the control room. Just as I was at the door I heard gunfire. The scarred man jumped. He pointed his pistol at her. Smiled his evil grin.
"Don't worry," he giggled, "You wont be a pie sweet heart." He fell to his knees in hysterics.
I opened the door quietly while he was having his laughing fit. It shut with a click. He froze. The girl from the photograph was tied up with her back to me. All I could see was her brown hair cover her shoulders which were shifting a terrified sob. I ducked behind a desk. I heard a sob.
"Shut up!" growled the man. I heard a smack and a loud cry.
I heard the floorboard creak. He was coming towards me. I got under the desk and held my breath. He was right next to me now. I could see his boots, they were black and covered in dried blood, and matted hair. He stepped towards the door, looked out of it down the hallway to the left, and then to the right. He took one last swig and emptied the bottle. Dropped the bottle, the glass shattered everywhere. He stumbled down the walkway back to the front of the control room. I got up, this was my chance. I hit him with the butt of the gun. He stumbled again. Dropping his gun. It went off. There was the sudden sound of gunfire raining outside of the room, it sounded distant. It was a illusion created by the rooms soundproofing, the gun fight was happening close.
The scarred man was on the floor, he was beginning to get up. Laughing,
"It's you. I didn't expect you too be here."
"I wasn't planning on it, until I saw the t-shirt. Well not coming so quickly. You forced my hand"
He laughed. "You forced mine first! This is my factory!" He roared as he lunged at me. I backed up. I pointed the gun at him.
He rushed at me, I shot him, in the leg. He looked at me, surprised.
"I didn't think you'd have the guts."
I raised the gun and smacked him in the side of the head with the handle knocking him to the floor.
I ran to the girl from the photograph. She was safe now. I untied her and she collapsed onto me. At that very moment the policeman from the hospital burst through the door, with a large German Sheppard and half a dozen armed defenders on his heels. They leapt on the scarred man and carried him away.
Everyone will be safe now, I'd saved her. No more of that evil factory.