Last day of my holidays, before going to school for my second to last term ever. Scary when I think of it like that. Over these holidays and the weeks before it I have made some major decisions. I'm pretty happy about them. I know roughly have a 10yr plan. Not sure how that will fan out seeing as I can't keep with 1 month plans, or even plans I make for the morning!
The plan as it stands is, Finish school. Work hard in chemistry, work harder in economic's star course to bring my pass marks up to >80% (currently they're probably in late 60's early 70's).
Year 1 Go to university. Most likely Otago.
Year 1-6 Work hard. Become a doctor.
Year 7 Do my elective overseas somewhere that would need a doctor, somewhere I probably would never get the chance to work or go.
Year 7-8 Locum for a while. (Provided I don't get tied down anywhere) Pay of student loans, etc and save money.
Year 9-10 Travel the world see everything that there is to see with the money I have saved, hopefully may have found somewhere I want to live by the end of it.
As of right now that is how my 10 year plan stands. I think the possible beauty of this plan is that although it has some fixed routes, it is open for so much deviation. So many forseeable and unforseeable things could come along, leave, dance about, mess things around, and the bare bones of this plan would remain unchanged.
I can see the genius of finishing university before I explore the world, having money would mean I could explore more places, for longer, have a much wider experience and be a lot more able to cope with a disaster. Than say I went next year. Of course I am somewhat lucky having made a decision about what I want to do.
The other part I like about my plans, is that they are mine. I have come up with them for the most part. I have talked about them with my parents, my Oma some people from church various family friends. They all agree that I can achieve them which is a lot more encouraging than the laughs of the girl from school, which when I heard them cut deep. I thought friends are supposed to support each others dreams, not laugh at them. Perhaps she was just teasing, or thought I wasn't being serious. Who knows, does it really matter anymore? No.
I am an Individual, I can forge my own path in this world. I can do it with some people or without them. The only person that truely matters in my lifes plans anymore is me.
Love is a mutt from hell that I can't live without but I'm sure I can cope without if need be.
This plan is mine, for my life. I'm certain it is the first plan that I have had in atleast 4 and a half years, that is just for me. Every other one has involved someone else, been for them to succeed. Now I can make my own plans. I don't have to concern myself with her dreams, I can begin to have my own again. Now they can be mine, rather than my dreams being for her dreams to succeed. So thank you to her, and I hope all her dreams become true.
PS The picture is just of some of the things I found in my car today when I was cleaning it, thought I'd blog about them but the blog panned out differently. :)
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