Well over the last however long since that post I've been alone alot. I've been thinking about that statement. Not directly but under different headings. Like what should I do then? Why did I do that? My favourite is WTF did you say that you must've looked like a retard. All this has been while I've been alone which is a fair bit. My house is a little in the wop wops, so I have a minimum of half an hour driving a day where I'm alone, most days I have something else on so the driving times even longer. Or sitting in my room with my music going, pretending/avoiding doing homework and wasting my life away. I even started another campaign on Rome Total War. I only seem to do that when I'm really bored. It's depressing because you can never actually conquer everything, not with out more patience than I can muster. However back to the point.
You need to get used to your own company, I seem to have a mixed relationship with myself. You know how theres those things you like about yourself or the few things that boost your confidence, then theres things you don't like or sensitive about. One of those things was last week in the library a girl told me her friend liked me. I was shocked at the time, and because they were yr 7 it weirded me out a bit. However it was nice to be thought of even if that one girl was trying to embarrass her friend that I was good looking enough? to make the 12yr old blush.
As I said earlier the reflections on actions like why I did that, why'd you say that? Or you could do that. Are these the normal conversations one has in there head when there alone? Do people even have conversations in there head? cause then that'd imply two parties? Am I nuts? Or am i just getting used to my own company and forming my own quirky type relationship with me?
Ultimately am I used to being by myself? That's probably the worst thing for me about driving, all that freedom to go where I want. You just have to drive there, and theres no one to go with but me myself an I. Sometimes I cant stand me, or I, definitely not myself he's a bit of a douche.
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