Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Theme Thursday - Help

Seeing the image of this weeks Theme Thursday I decided I had to listen to help at least once before I put to words what I've been thinking about since the theme came out so.
Here goes.

"Help, I need somebody." . . . etc.

Interestingly and conveniently I'm on a first aid course at the moment, which is all about helping someone when your the first on the scene. I'm taking it because I was considering, I'm now almost certain that I want to become a doctor. I've just got to get over that dizziness I get when people talk about broken bones, and bodily fluids around me. . . It's do able! There was a girl in my mum's class at med school that fainted everyday, when she saw blood, now she's a GP! So obviously it can be conquered!
My mum and all her doctor friends are keen to help, they like to tell me all there grossest doctor stories, to prepare me? I think, or to terrify me away from it. I'm not sure! Some of there stories are really gross. . .

I'm going to incredibly cliche and point out that one doctors are one of the most obvious people when it comes to this theme help. They help when your in pain. Like few weeks ago one fixed my little finger when I dislocated it. Very painful, however I'm glad to say it was the most painful thing I've experienced. The main reason I'm thinking I want to be a doctor is to help people. I reckon that if I can help people, make them feel better, then there will be some obvious satisfaction. I think having a job like that where everyday you're achieving something and making a difference to lots of people. There are other reasons as well. I mean committing to 4yrs university, then 2yrs as a house surgeon, 6 years of hard work you need to be certain and have a lot of good reason. I've been thinking about it for months, helping people and make a difference, while hopefully being interesting is the main reason.

Admittedly another reason is when this girl at school laughed at me when I told her. Gotta prove her wrong! That is of course near the bottom of my list though.


Brian Miller said...

sounds like you have good motives...for the most part. lol. dislocated your finger...ouch! it is beastly painful!

happy tt!

Betsy Brock said...

I took a first aid course in college...good thing, since I ended up having 4 boys of my own! ha.

Seonbu said...

Joining me at Otago University then? ^-^

Sam said...

I guess so! I'm thinking of going on a road trip to look at colleges sometime soon if your keen!

Baino said...

Hey if you've got the brains go for it. Not a bad ambition to have. And if blood bothers you, take heart, my daughter used to feint at the sight of a needle. Now she can pierce someone's ear with a pin (erm not recommended unless you're on a bus in Ecuador)

Anonymous said...

I have no idea how to decide about being a doctor, but somehow I think a road trip is called for.