Sunday, July 25, 2010


Today after taking two family friends, aged 8 and almost 10 to see Toy Story 3D, brilliant movie btw, made me tear up a little bit. It's really sad and cute at the end. Definately recommend if you havn't seen it. Anyway when I was taking Cameron and Conner to McDonalds after the movie, I saw Nick. Nick is one of those people who is very much in my life, same form class at school, same youth group, same church, same Canoe Polo team (some weeks) we get on well and he's a great mate. Anyway I'd been sort of kind of itching to go to Raiders/Invaders which is a sort of bible study that my youth group does and seeing him at the mall. He invited me which was a bit of the kick I needed to go. I went and it was all about holding on to the past. And the quote below really seemed to hit me hard. The bit in bold especially.

"There's a certain kind of dispair that sets in when we believe that things were better back then.
When we're stuck back there.
When we're not fully present,
When we're holding on to how things were, our arms aren't free to embrace today."

I guess that it's become the quote of my weekend. Its kind of in line with what I've been trying to think, and process through my heart and mind.
The great thing about Nooma what Raiders/Invaders does is that its full of bible verses that relate to what its saying which means it's all biblically based as well so it's all real advice thats been God inspired.

Anyhow do you agree with the quote? Why or Why not? Do you agree with me that it's a good quote?

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