Thursday, June 17, 2010

A new Focus day.

Today at my school we had Christian Focus day. A day where we put aside our regular school classes, go somewhere else and go through a number of sessions designed to present us with a christian perception of key life issues facing us today.

Today was about Alcohol, Abortion, STD's, and biblical investigation into Love and Lust.

The alcohol one, was nothing that new, it just presented us with stats why alcohol shouldn't be so avaliable, it was presented ok, even though the guy presenting it looked like a smaller nervous Nicolas Cage. I was surprised that when he asked people in my group who thought the legal drinking age in New Zealand should be raised to 20 I was the only person who raised my hand. I see alcohol hurting my friends, and it's partly to blame for some events in my life that have hurt me. I do think that my life and that of my peers would benefit from Alcohol being avaliable later in life to us.

Abortion, was more about the growth of a baby from conception, and it challanged us with what we believed, things like when is a Fetis a person, when is it alive. Things that I hadn't really ever considered until now. I'm still not sure if I'm certain of how I would awnser those questions. I was shocked to find that in NZ abortion is legal for severe disabilities up to 40 weeks. Which is right before the baby is born so obviously; my government believes life begins at birth.

STD's was gross, we saw pictures and were told about the dangers of different STD's, I already new that I didn't want to be a person that would fool around with people or kiss strangers. Now I have another reason to up hold my morales, and belief and hopefully help me abstaine until marriage. (something thats probably quite easy to say after a break up)

The Love and Lust one was the one I found most interesting, I don't know why but I voluntered to go in the Love group. I was curious to what the bible says about Love. We ended up reading some of the Songs of Solomen, and interupting it as best we could hoping to find a big picture. We found that God created sex to be beautiful for us. When it is done with one person that we Love with all our heart and mind and soul, that then Sex with complete Love is beautiful. I also learned that Love is strong, Love is shy, Love is selfless sacrifice.

At the end of the Love one I was feeling down, until I realised something that should help me get through this hard time. Love is selfless sacrifice, I know I love someone and want to show them that, but I have been struggling internally about what I want, because at the moment I'm not what they want. This means to truely Love them I must let go, not be selfish and want them, because this will not bring me happiness, if they're with me and don't feel the same back. I have already experienced that during a period of time where most of our relationship was lust. All it brought both of us was pain. I must move on to show my Love for my ex. For leaving them and letting them be happy with someone else is True Love, even if its not the Romantic Love I dreamt of having with them.

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