Friday, June 4, 2010

Formal 2010

Yesterday was my School formal. My emotions surrounding the formal had been up and down for weeks. My mood changed when I went shopping for formal outfits with my mum and she let me choose what ever I wanted.
My mood brightened, for years I have wanted a pink shirt and Tie. I don't know why it's just been something I've wanted for years! For a while I was to scared to get it. People apparently say I'm gay which is just stupid. My girlfriend forbid me from getting one, because she thought people would call me gay. It was stupid, I know I'm not if people want to say that then its there problem it doesn't change any facts. So this year, not having a date to the formal I was able to wear my dream pink shirt and tie!
It was awesome, people I told at school got shocked looks on there face like I told them I was planning on wearing a freshly skinned cat or something else equally distasteful.
My parents were busy so I had to drive myself to a preformal gathering at Rosies and then to the formal. The biggest problem was this ment that I had to tie my own tie. Something in my several years of school having to wear a tie I have avoided. So I went to and I learnt to tie my tie!
At the formal I danced some ceroc, the little bit I could remember. It was fun I mucked about with different people danced like an Idiot. I was having fun wearing an awesome pink shirt and tie so I was happy and if anyone was upset with that its there problem! Below are some photo's of my evening and theres more on my facebook, if you know where that is. ;)

After the formal we went to Laurissa's boyfriends house, as she is house sitting and it was empty for the night. We hung out, watched youtube, watched the movies Grease and Inglorious Basturds. A Good night. The girls decided we'd dress up as this australian comedian Chopper Read so below are proof that yes, we have themes that most people would think silly, and yes we did all invest in fake moustaches! Well on image as this part of the evening was recorded on someone elses camera. All and all last night was a good night, I enjoyed my formal when I thought I wasn't and now I own a Pink shirt and Tie! :)

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