Friday, June 25, 2010

A better than expected evening.

Yesterday after staying home from school after stuggling to get to sleep before 1am, not getten woken up to watch the NZ vs. Paraguay live, or when my family decided to veiw it but being woken up at various other points in the night. All in all having one of the worst nights of sleep I've had in ages, which is saying a heck of a lot as I havn't been able to have a full nights sleep in weeks! To top it all off I felt like I was going to throw up most of the morning so I decided well, choose to snooze through my alarm and stay in bed until everyone else had left.

Its very warm under the covers with an electric blanket on! I spent the day watching the football, which was to say anything disappointing that we didn't get any goals, or really even come close too many times. Then I proceeded to watch SGU a very frustrating Sci-fi that I am about ready to give up on due to its weak storyline, unbelievable characters, situation and the two of the main characters being complete sluts. You can only watch a spaceship have no air, water, power, ect so many times before you get bored of it.

Anyhow, I thought I was gonna spend the evening at home with the cats, although warm and snug not the most exciting evening to be had. I really didn't feel like being stuck at home. I got a phone call from my dad asking me to do a message for him. The message involved me picking something up from point A and taking it to him at point B. At point B there was my bother, and my Freind Jonny, who invited me to go watch the band 5th Day of May with them at Zebs. The band was awesome. They have a violin!, and a hot chick bassest. ;) It was nice going out and doing something rather than being stuck at home in boringness!

We left half way through the second band which sounded like pop-rock you'd hear on the radio that had a friend who liked to scream so they let him join there band and scream all the lyrics for them. They werent very good. . .

That is the story of how my friday night was better than expected.

1 comment:

Gentle Annie said...

fifth day of may are suuuuuuuuuperb. and laaaaater when there were like five people still there they played marychrist and kool thing by sonic youth and gouge away by the pixies with diue roboter who were another suuuuuuuuuperb band. christchurch aint so bad