Friday, October 17, 2008


Ok. People, individuals. Everyone. We're floored in some way.
Why? We are all equals, but in no way is anyone the same.
Hence people are valued differently.
So we can't be equal can we?

We all have different values.
A thing that is revolting to one person is normal to somethings.
People do wrong and get away with it.

Its not fair.
No one can possibly be equal to anyone else.

Life is just far to complicated.

People do things, mistakes. We hurt others, we scare others, we terrify them, we make them cry. Why do people suffer for other peoples mistake.

Life is not fair.

Promises, why do people say things they dont mean?
People lie. Why?
It hurts other.

ok i Lie, i break promises. But i try my hardest not to.

Why does it feel like so many others dont? A word said out loud, has to be ment.

I dont mean saying one thing by accident. I mean intimate promises between friends.
Why are they being thrown away?

Why do people say one thing then do something completly against what they just said. Hypocrites.

Why do others suffer?
Every action has a consequence.
You have to think of others.
We are all connected through relationships ever so distently.

You cant do something and exspect it not to effect someone.

Of course you could do something that effects everyone positively.
But theres is always the opposite of anything.

You cant trust people.
Some people are good, or appear good.
Most people. Somewhere in them are evil. We're Humans.
We were made for good, but Sin came into the world. We have the choice. I know Good is ultimately stronger than evil, but when choice is given to us. Our true nature is showen. Human nature.
When we're given the choice to do evil. Our own selfish human nature shows. When we have evil thoughts and choice, evil gets done.

Hence everyone is evil.

I know i am.

Why must we cause pain to others? Our world is huge. There are millions starving, while we feast on rubbish. Is that not evil? We have choice. We can help if we want to. Do we?
Sometimes not doing something is wrong.

We must try to think of others always. Watch what we say and we promise. Try hard to forgive those that do us wrong. Live in the now but always think of the future.

If everyone thought of others, then we'd all be looked after by each other. Of course we look after ourselves, but if we Loved each other. No one would be lonely. To be Loved you must first Love.

Whoa im a raunter!
No wonder i cant write essays look at that crappy structure. :P
hm. . .

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