Thursday, October 14, 2010

Infinate Worries and Stresses

My auntie who seems to me to be thoroughly wise as all things she says into my life come true eventually. Has come to stay again. And she made another scary prediction, much like her last such deadly one. Perhaps the last one wasn't a prediction but a realistic or pessimistic view. It Was one time when she came to stay Siobhan was over. Once Siobhan had left my auntie was asked by my mum if she liked Siobhan. My Aunt said something along the lines of Siobhan who? That girl that was just here oh she was nice, i didn't bother getting to know her cause it wont last and I'll never see her again with a laugh. At the time this was incredibly cruel I kinda shunned my auntie for the rest of her visit but she was right.
This latest prediction was to do with university, she reckons I'm gonna drink a lot. Which I've made up my mind to stay well away from. Next year is Study, Sport, Study, Church, Study, Study oh and did I mention Study? This is so I CAN get into med school. Alcohol is a useless distraction which alters the brain and helps people make decisions they regret later. If you can have fun without alcohol something is sad so very sad. Anyway that's my opinion! Most of the people I know do not drink sensibly and are always like ALCOHOL! WHOA! YEAH! We need to get some of that! whoop! Which is stupid when they get it they drink to much and do really stupid things. When in my opinion being sober and hanging out doing stuff is much more fun. Alcohol doesn't even taste nice! Why drink it when we can have ginger beer or coke? Much tastier beverages! Anyway that's me for my Thursday night rant. I was in the mood to rant. . .

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Passei por aqui bjssssss!