Sunday, January 4, 2009

Bizarre Dream

It's Monday the 5th, Schools back. I stumble out of bed un able to check the time because of a power cut that messed up all our alarms. Slowly and difficultly i squeeze on an old uniform many years had past since i had comfortably fit it but oh well, scool starts soon. With a uniform on i wobbled out the door down the road. Street after street down the side of the motor way. All the way to the over bridge.
"Wake up Sam" say's a voice. My brain is slowly brought into concouisness.
"Where am I?"
"You're at the motorway over bridge before bleniem road!" replies the voice thats growing in familularity. . .
Suddenly i jerk into wakefullness. "WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE JONNY?"
"I was gonna ask you the same question," awnsers a confused Jonny Herrick. "I've been following you for 10 minutes calling out to you trying to catch up! When i got here it was obvious that you were sleep walking."
"WHAT?!" I exclaimed, "I dont sleep walk"
"You just did" states Jonny.

All of a sudden people start appearing from all directions, Jonny Kwant appears and sits on a park bench. Rosie V say's "Hi" and joins him along with her little sister. Roseanna sits down next to them. This is wierd i think as even more people i know just appear, queitly and gather. My Dad, with members of my soccer team from 3 years ago arrives. This is way to bizarre!

I decide i should tell my Dad whats happened, so i tell him that i sleep walked here until Jonny Herrick woke me and i thought it was school. He laughed! My own father laughed at me! "School?! That doesn't start for another three weeks Sam!"
"I know. . . " was all i could reply, i felt ashamed. . . All of a sudden i didnt care i saw the halirious side of this coincidence and started telling everone i knew! I walked to a McDonalds/Bus stop and ate a cheese burger and stated to everyone who had gathered that i was going to pennylane! About two dozen people i recognised but now had no idea who they were all replied simultaneously "So are we!!!" . . .

And then i woke up. Bizarre dream? What do you reckon? please comment.


Gentle Annie said...

THIS "Jonny Kwant appears and sits on a park bench" is obviously a metaphor for where your relationship with me stands. No that's bullshit. The rest of it, well most of it, is ANXIETY. and fair enough, too. School is freaky shit with so many routines to get back into, etc. And PENNYLANE deserves a mention because it is just goddamn lovely.

Sam said...

Lol, i thought it was really wierd. And when i woke up in the dream i had no thoughts that i had actually walked to the bridge i was like what the hell?! And you did appear, its strange who appeared and who didnt. . .

Siobhan said...

My goodness did I have a spate of bizzare dreams in Rangiroa. The first night, Eddy invited me over for drinks with mates then hugged me and told me he wanted to be with me forever, and i freaked out and just kept repeating "What!!"

the second night, Steve Gurney taught me how to abseil, then I went to town with Nicky and Phoebe and saw a mammoth walking down high street, then something else which has escaped me, then whilst walking to the bus stop opposite South City i looked up and saw something in the sky in the distance. I thought to myself "Is that a piano?" and sure enough, the flying piano came a bit closer, sprouted wheels and promptly drove off down columbo st!
The next night I got drunk with Nicky and a whole bunch of randoms and we had some weeeeeeird conversations,
I cant remember the next dream right now,
And the last night, You, Sam, were dying and the doctors brought in a lethal injection!