Friday, February 27, 2009

99% Cacao

I was thinking, if the awnsers not clear? Why? If its a maybe? Why not a yes? How can it be what you say it is when your actions contridict it? Why can someone be fine in your mind one minute, then after stewing over what they say and it all goes down the plug? Why do people do things? Say things? And then keep you at arms length, are they doing it for kicks? Do the understand the power they have?

Man if i wrote a book, i think High Fedality styles the way I'd go... Lots of thinking, saying stuff, but not. Good book btw. . . I think i might read it twice. . . I hope i never end up like Rob. . .

Im starting to think about things I say before I say them with everyone, this scares me. It means i get to consciously decide whether to lie or not. Like my Dad asked me today if i'd heard from the driving instructor, i knew I had. I decided to say no, because i didnt want to talk about it and cause dont really want to learn from the guy. . . Its scary, driving, and the instructors weird. . . I dont know, you know that vibe you get off some people and you just know its going to be awkward, and that theres no way you could be friends? And OMG the cars smells like old people. . . I had a shower last time just to get rid of the smell!!!


This weekend is going to suck! Driving lesson, Homework, Frisbee Golf (I know what the hell! and as far as i know only Jacobs going. . . im trying to contain all the excitement thats building up inside me. . . nope cant quite stand it. . .) Playing band in church which is just flipping stressful. . . and frustrating cause no one helps you set up the drumkit and its normally broken cause who ever put it away last time didnt do it properly! then iv got a free sunday afternoon. . . well maybe! Who knows? God knows!!!

Im so tired as well its 1/4 past 10 and my minds hit the fan, and i can barely sit up in my seat!

Pretty colours!

1 comment:

Siobhan said...

Quit the lying.
It gets you nowhere.