So last night I watched, Star Wars episodes I, II, & III with some mates.
Then we watched a ridiculous movie called mist at 3.30am. It was a horror. Well it was a 'Lol'or one of those movies that seems really scary until you see the monster/creature/murderer and you just go LOL! This is so fake! This happened at the point of the movie when a giant tentacle comes under a garage door and starts trying to drag someone off. At that point we were all like. WHAT! This is to ridiculous. Most of us fell asleep rather than watching this ridiculous movie! Which was fair enough as it was 4am, and we'd been watching movies since 6.00!
I'd never realised how much effort it is to watch 3 star wars one after another. Don't miss understand me I Love star wars, I have a star wars duvey and pillow case. Its the time! Each movie is 2 & 1/2hrs long! One after another = Late night. I have to admit I feel asleep for a bit in episode 2, during the epic battle scenes. But after a glass of coke I was ready to watch the next one. (I'm really pathetic on caffine 1 softdrink = 3hrs until I can get to sleep!). I spent the entire movie arguing in my head, getting angry at ObiWan and Anikin. I knew how the movie ended, but I felt myself erging them to do something different so that the could save the universe from the sith!
In episode 2 what if ObiWan Had believed Count Dooku when he told him that the Sith were in the senate and the Jedi council had acted? What if Anikin had been a better Jedi, chosen the code over Padma and then she wouldnt have died! What if Mace Windoo had kept to the code and taken the Grand Counciller prisoner with Anikin? Or Trusted Anikin and let him come along with him as he arrested him? What if Anakin had choosen to spare the younglins? All these what ifs! How there universe would have been different. The difference it would have made to millions.
It got me thinking, what decisions do I make that effect others? What if at one time if I'd said one thing instead of another. It got me thinking or turning points, points in my life where I made a clear decision that could have gone the other way, and what could of happened. Times when I should of acted and didn't. I wish my life was a choose your own adventure book. Where I could go back to certain pages and try again, try to get a different outcome.
Its not, My life is a regular book, blank on the next page and all I can do is draft ideas of my future and keep writing. Keep turning the pages. My life is different from the movie because I have that power to draft. I don't know the ending I can choose some of whats happening right now. I'm not helpless. I have some control over my book. This is exciting! I can influence my own ending! Of course My ending most likely wont cause the universe to fall into the control of a completely evil man, or even any point in my story. I can keep the pages turning and make each chapter more exciting than the last, look after old friends, make new ones and keep writing the book of my life.