Thursday, May 13, 2010

Theme Thursday - Mystery

When I think of mystery I think about all the books, I used to get read to me when I was but a young'n. I was very blessed to have a Dad that would read to me each night, and we managed to read all 21 of the Famous Five adventure books.
These were obviously great books when i was little, and the mystery's that the four had to solve with there dog Timmy, the more than occasional spot of treasure, and the number of slack criminals would get me to bed on time as I was itching to find out what happened next.
I remember wanting to have adventures like the Famous Five, but it never really happened. I guess it's rare to find abandoned castles, wondering Gipsy's, and parents that will let four 8yr olds (My friends and I) go on unguided horse and cart trips to the mountains where they would indubitably meet up with the circus!
We did have our own adventures, although smaller in proportion and mystery's to solve like why there was a Coke Robot Machine thingy-ma-gig at someones house when we peaked through the fence, and how to cross the stream without getting wet after they cut down the elegantly placed branch. I guess my adventure of little me weren't in proportion to those of the Famous Five, and we never had a dog. Except this mean thing called Oscar that couldn't go anywhere on account of it wanting to constantly chase cars. but they were good times. I miss my old house, with my Gang of friends, but we got separated by life and lost contact. So now I guess there is mystery in what my old gang are doing now. I still don't know even with the amazing brilliance of Facebook. So I guess the mystery will stay unsolvable at present.


Brian Miller said...

yeah, those were cool times. i had my own gang of adventurers and every sunday afternoon we were off...

Ronda Laveen said...

This brings back so many memories of childhood adventures. Thanks.

moondustwriter said...

Glad you are back on your blog. Real life rarely can out do our childhood imaginings.

Nice post


Baino said...

A persevere with Facebook. I just found a friend I haven't seen since I was 16! We shared a car crash together hahah!