One more day of proper school for this year! then off on Holidays! during which im going to become an amazing drummer! :P
This picture is from Friday, Let me introduce the V-Dairy Challange. Nick and I dicided that we would take a piture of the dairy everytime new graffeti appeared on it. This is Day one of the Challange. Nick is in the picture to prove that it really is Graffeti Free. Every Sunday if theres new Graffetti im gonna take a picture and keep a track of it here, and my bebo. Just thought it'd be interesting!
Well yes back to the important stuff! On friday was Fiesta, it was fun. . . Meh. I guess. It was hard though. People being people and different around other people.
"Playing Ping-Pong Over Oceans, Messing with Emotions. Messing with My Head."
We went to the park cause the actual Fiesta got a bit tedious. The park was fun. Looked at clouds. . . Left people to there lonesome. It was fun. Talked with others discussed somethings. Then we left and walked around the park to sneak in and see what those people were up to. . . All commando like! :P
It wasnt entirely horrible. . . Made me feel a bit meh. Cause some people were acting ways that confused me and made me stressed. But Jo gave me a girls perspective on it which made me feel a little better.
Then i walked back with Young Nick to his house to watch Pulp Sport! and then we let off some of Matts homemade skyrockets! They made huge bangs! and he kinda explained how to make them so iv got to try it :P
Then on Saturday i meet Jonny, and Bob in town Andrew was supposed to come but we have no idea what was going on there cause he never showed up! So we hung out with out him i got Nick his Birthday present. Cheap Trick Greatest hits, and i bought Elemeno P - Love and Disrespect and GoodNight Nurse - Keep Me On Your Side! We hung out walking around town, We went to Pennylane the best cd store in CHCH. Its cool, like Real Greedy just everythings $5 cheaper!
Then at 4.30ish they went home and i ran to laserstrike! For Nicks Party! And OMG Laserstrike is completly different! so cool though. And i used my upgrades to buy better sheilds and stuff. So i was a bit better. . . I got a decent score i thought. The Guy that won got most trigger happy and but he cheated he'd cover up the laser so you couldnt shot him! It was quite exciting! :)
Then i went to GoodNight Nurse with Siobhan and Kristin it was fun! we played pool and moshed! Except one girl infront off us stunk the whole room out . . . She smelt worse than a tent full of un-showered boys at eastercamp! I got GGN to sign my CD which was neat! :) It was a good weekend. Even if i couldnt sleep and i was up to like 2am! :P
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