Well Today, sucks. This whole week sucks. Almost everyone this week has been so ARGH! I've wanted to strangle them all. People who normally only slightly annoy me at school, like this girl in a class of mine she always talks so loud in an annoying voice about shit that is so irrelevant she ticks me off. But just today I wanted to turn around and STAB HER. With my scizzor's. No kidding. She was bing extra annoying today though.
Everyone else whoop de flipp'n do. Well I might mention two things. 1) Its my Birthday tomorrow which is gonna suck. Dissapointment after dissapointment. Im over all this. I'm so tempted to go get in the car and just drive, i'd be breaking the law so extra thrill i guess! I dont know what I'd do or where I'd go. But just drive until I ran outta petrol. 2) Theres a party tonight that alot of people I know are invited to and are there but I wasn't. Siobhan even went. I asked the host if i could come and the said no. I'll even quote the txt I've still got it isnt that sad? Its been 3 days and its still like 20 in my inbox. "I told you Sam. It's not because of you. It's Siobhan." and then she said this when i asked her why. "Yeah, well I don't think you are good for Siobhan thats why Siobhan had no say in this." I dont know about you but this person was pissing me off alot about now. What right does she have to tell me that me and my girlfriend arent good for each other! She then effectively told me that in her opinion we should break up. Its none of her business!
I told all this to Siobhan, she claims she try'd to get me invited. I dont think she try'd hard, and then instead of being angry at this person or showing any negitive emotion she went to the party anyway. No we're a couple if you invite me and all our friends you invite Sam aswell. None of that! It wouldnt be so bad if i didnt know people going or anything but I do everyone was talking about it at lunch time. Siobhan even told me she felt like going just to spite me cause i got annoyed. Wouldnt you? I'd never let anyone who called themself a friend treat my gf that way!
Back to point 1) It's my birthday tomorrow and as such I wanted to see my gf but after this I dont know if i will at all. Which is frick'n depressing, I have to go for a walk now, I need to clear my head. How I wish my savior would drive to my house or something.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Well, Screw this Weekend
screw it,
sick of this,
What friends
Sunday, August 16, 2009
All Outta Staples
Argh! I'm all out of staples!!! I need some to you know... Staple! Argh Its really annoying! And on top of that i have a stupid little kitty cat that keeps trying to trip me up in the dark hallways of my house! Dumb cats. Who ever decided to make them pets for humans, they're more annoying than they are nice! They only seem to want to cuddle when you've got something infinately complicated to do, or your incredibly busy! Im mean honestly cats! Come on! Step up your game! Well replace you with small dogs that cant catch frisbe's but look funny!
Well i will tell you one thing, I found my stapler and the cat left me alone so maybe its learning to get outta my way when im mad at the lack of staples!!!
Well thats all I have to say about that.

Well i will tell you one thing, I found my stapler and the cat left me alone so maybe its learning to get outta my way when im mad at the lack of staples!!!
Well thats all I have to say about that.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
You Stole the Sun from My Heart
I dont know but over the last 3 months that song has been regularly coming in and out of my head. I dont think its entirely coincidence either. Once before I had a simular thing happen to me with another song. Im not talking bout a song that comes into my head one week and stays there a few days and then goes maybe to come back again. Im talking regulary almost everyday for a undetermined time. The other song started coming into my head a while before I needed it to. I don't think It was any of my doing. So it proves the Exsistance of God, at the time i was certain it was him. The other song, I never knew the name, I didnt even know many lines but it came to me when I needed it made me smile when I should have been miserable. For the sake of this blog I just googled the lines that keept coming into my head. Turns out the songs called Story of a Girl by 3 doors down. I wont say anything more than that because of the extreme personal effect the song had on me at the time and the details of my friend that it allowed me to help out. But suffice to say the song made me smile and gave me energy to help my best friend. I know it was God he's been setting it up for months.
Now im curious if this is another one of those songs. Or am I inventing it now, who can predict God. I know alot of song now, and I can't work out what the signifigence of it is. Now i get to this point of my blog i'm beginning to see the dribble and such that I'm making no sence what so ever and I dont know what I'm even trying to say.
I guess has anyone else ever had something happen that proved the exsistance to God to them, and If you dont believe in God then something beyond this world.
Maybe also not that but songs that have a deep meaning to you that you dont realise until they appear infront of you and you smile. I think that is the purpose of music. I think that's what God intended Pop music for. To bring people happiness when they're sad bring a smile to there dial and turn frowns upside down.
Now im curious if this is another one of those songs. Or am I inventing it now, who can predict God. I know alot of song now, and I can't work out what the signifigence of it is. Now i get to this point of my blog i'm beginning to see the dribble and such that I'm making no sence what so ever and I dont know what I'm even trying to say.
I guess has anyone else ever had something happen that proved the exsistance to God to them, and If you dont believe in God then something beyond this world.
Maybe also not that but songs that have a deep meaning to you that you dont realise until they appear infront of you and you smile. I think that is the purpose of music. I think that's what God intended Pop music for. To bring people happiness when they're sad bring a smile to there dial and turn frowns upside down.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
School, Calculus and Un-birthdays!
Well it's been a busy week, and i can safely say that for a whole too days my plans worked incredibly well. Of course I'm keeping to them but the rules I set in place have begun to get bent. Like turning my computer of during the day. The reason stop me wasting my afternoon on the net. I didn't turn it off, the reason I had school work on it.
I did let my school work catch up on me by not studying for a calculus test and not doing a presentation until 11.30 the night before it was due (and finishing it off in computer that morning).
Although now to the weekend! It was Bob's Birthday on Friday, and Siobhan's is right now (well started 40ish Min's ago). They're both good friend so what they decided to do was have a un birthday party on the one day between there too birthdays! It was great fun, apart from the hours i spent wondering round town on my lonesome because I left home early to go birthday present shopping. Which as it happened to mean me buying myself a few Cd's. xD
Anyhow that un birthday was wicked fun. We had a picnic went to a good b grade movie drunk lots of suger filled beverages and tonnes of artificially coloured lollies!!! Everything that makes a good party! and there was great sausage rolls to top it all off! THERE WAS EVEN TOMATO SAUCE, BECAUSE JACOB REMEMBERED IT BECAUSE HE'S AWESOME LIKE THAT! (The intensity was for Jacob, he told everyone about the tomato sauce a number of times and with more than enough emphasis and repetition to warrant CAPITALS!)
Anyway all the birthday stuff and the b grade movie got me thinking, apart from the usual gift givers panic i suffered! I'm sure everyone knows what I mean. The whole will they like this? Do they still like that brand? or band? It got me thinking about birthdays, and my birthday which is in two weeks yesterday! I was looking at my friends with a sort of quiet envy of I hope my birthdays this awesome. . . With so many people. But its all just a small thing in the long run.
Oh and if anyone see's my parents tell the the Metal Gear Solid XBOX360 Pack is a great birthday present ;)
I did let my school work catch up on me by not studying for a calculus test and not doing a presentation until 11.30 the night before it was due (and finishing it off in computer that morning).
Although now to the weekend! It was Bob's Birthday on Friday, and Siobhan's is right now (well started 40ish Min's ago). They're both good friend so what they decided to do was have a un birthday party on the one day between there too birthdays! It was great fun, apart from the hours i spent wondering round town on my lonesome because I left home early to go birthday present shopping. Which as it happened to mean me buying myself a few Cd's. xD
Anyhow that un birthday was wicked fun. We had a picnic went to a good b grade movie drunk lots of suger filled beverages and tonnes of artificially coloured lollies!!! Everything that makes a good party! and there was great sausage rolls to top it all off! THERE WAS EVEN TOMATO SAUCE, BECAUSE JACOB REMEMBERED IT BECAUSE HE'S AWESOME LIKE THAT! (The intensity was for Jacob, he told everyone about the tomato sauce a number of times and with more than enough emphasis and repetition to warrant CAPITALS!)
Anyway all the birthday stuff and the b grade movie got me thinking, apart from the usual gift givers panic i suffered! I'm sure everyone knows what I mean. The whole will they like this? Do they still like that brand? or band? It got me thinking about birthdays, and my birthday which is in two weeks yesterday! I was looking at my friends with a sort of quiet envy of I hope my birthdays this awesome. . . With so many people. But its all just a small thing in the long run.
Oh and if anyone see's my parents tell the the Metal Gear Solid XBOX360 Pack is a great birthday present ;)
day out,
Energy drink,
Tomato Sauce
Sunday, August 2, 2009
New Sam; GOALS
Well, I have been thinking, mowing lawns is very therapeutic. . . I've decided I am lazy. I know I am, it's by choice too. I can quite easily sit down on the computer and waste away hours, i did it almost all of yesterday. This happens especially when I've planed my day. For example yesterday i decided I'd get up, wash my dad's car, was my car, and maybe mow the lawns then go to the movies with friends using the lawn money, go home do maths homework and economics's.
What actually happened is as follows; Woke up, looked at the time, went back to sleep, got up an hour later, go on computer for 1 and 1/2 hours, go to have a shower, no hot water, go back to room, go on computer, decide to risk cold shower, become very awake, go back to computer, go downstairs, watch tv, computer, then ask for a ride, raid my money box til empty to just get enough money to pay for the movies, wait for mum to take me the bus stop (I have a car but I can't actually drive it legally by myself yet. . . ) get to the movies late, hung out at the mall with almost no money for 30mins, bused home, watched television.
On reflection that was a huge waste of a day, i achieved nothing! From now on this changes I will set myself goals. With this blog as my witness i will stick to them! I will update the blog regularly to keep me accountable, say at least once a week.
So today I thought as I mowed the lawns (on a ride on) between the mindless honing and mowing figure of 8's; of a few goals I need.
So these are my goals as of now. I'm sure I had more so I may post some more later if the occur to me.
So now, I'm going to go do maths homework. Good luck me!
What actually happened is as follows; Woke up, looked at the time, went back to sleep, got up an hour later, go on computer for 1 and 1/2 hours, go to have a shower, no hot water, go back to room, go on computer, decide to risk cold shower, become very awake, go back to computer, go downstairs, watch tv, computer, then ask for a ride, raid my money box til empty to just get enough money to pay for the movies, wait for mum to take me the bus stop (I have a car but I can't actually drive it legally by myself yet. . . ) get to the movies late, hung out at the mall with almost no money for 30mins, bused home, watched television.
On reflection that was a huge waste of a day, i achieved nothing! From now on this changes I will set myself goals. With this blog as my witness i will stick to them! I will update the blog regularly to keep me accountable, say at least once a week.
So today I thought as I mowed the lawns (on a ride on) between the mindless honing and mowing figure of 8's; of a few goals I need.
- Get Fit; Seems simple but every good goal needs ways to complete it. I'm not horribly unfit, but i would like to be fit for health reasons, be able to keep up with my gf (she's quite athletic) And as a sub-goal as I've probably left it far to late due to my problem to get into the OPC team. To do this I will go to the trainings on Tuesday mornings, drink more water, restart doing the 100 push ups challenge, go to the weights room and go for runs (perhaps get up early to do it?).
- Study and do Homework; As being a lazy teenager I don't do a lot, and one of those things I don't do is my homework. I've done maths homework maybe 3 times this year other subjects only when it's been important or when teachers have being nagging. I want to get it done so now on I will do it! And whats more, I will study. I have 80 more credits this year, that with effort I could get excellences, to get the excellence endorsement. I want to get it this year. I don't understand algebra so I must get out my text book and study it. I think maybe I should turn my computer off before school and not turn it on until after I've done homework and study, and if it requires a computer do that last.
- Read More; I like reading, but when I'm between books I don't. Not because i don't want to just I've got nothing to read so I don't. I don't actively seek new books to read either I need to start doing this. To fix this I shall go to the library, the school one, and get one for the city library's (my old one ran out).
- Get my drivers license!; I'm 17 in 3 weeks, I could have my full by now, I've had my learners for over a year. I need to get the next step up at least! This one I want to complete by the end of the month. So what shall I do? Get the Fiat serviced. Practise driving everywhere I can. Book my Restricted test for before the 31st.or make excuses. So No more. Now on I will practise. As often as possible
- Get good at drums; I've been learning the drums for 2 and 1/2 years? and yet I'm not very good! Obviously I need to practise more and I always mean to but I always getdestructedat least 3 times a week excluding youth group 'jam' on Thursdays.
So these are my goals as of now. I'm sure I had more so I may post some more later if the occur to me.
So now, I'm going to go do maths homework. Good luck me!
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