Well, today? It was a day like many others before it. It was a school like, school day which as every student knows means several boring drilling hours of school with about 1hr and 10mins of free time, which can be spent anywhere within the confines of the unwalled re-education facility. Not only is this a sad day that nothing has really happened its also, a sad day because it never really looked like anything was ever going to happen. I woke up as usual, in a ZOMBIE like state I showered got dressed and just managed to jump into the car on the way to school.
Actually, i didnt realise the significance of this individual ride, the last time I'd ever see that vehicle. . . And what ever lost and hidden treasures that live with in it, as my Mum's got herself a knew car. The same, a rav4 just this ones the 2009 model, so basically imagine a shiney mini, then imagine a shiney tank with the interior of a mini. Thats the new vehicle in my household.
Anyway back on track, I arrived at school did the locker thing no surprises there, as usual even though one people had promised to do something a few weeks ago and im still waiting, but that'd envolve effort on there part and they're far to lazy to do anything like that!
We spent first period in a computer lab researching something to do with ism's a complete waste of time if you ask me! I spent the lesson looking up random stuff on the net. . . That was kinda related to ism's like this site http://phrontistery.info/isms.html with lots of ism's!
The rest of the day was, as it should and i wont bore you with it any longer, seeing as its 1/4 past 11 and im tired as a Snorlax. Although I'd like to say that if infact you've managed to read to this line you are a champion, otherwise those who havnt you are losers. :)
Useless blog 101!
:) - Smile
:( - Sad Face
<:) - Party
<@ - Rose
:] - Alternative Smile
:[ - Alternative Sad Face
;) - Wink
:'( - Tear
^_^ - Contented Smile
:P - Tongue Out Smile
re-education facility? Why do you need RE-education???
No sense.
And I haven't because the locker combination you gave me is wrong. I've tried it several times.
it can't be! Its always been. . . *goes to type combination but stops and realises this is a public blog!* I'l txt you it when i wake up then. Maybe i told you the 1st and last numbers the wrong way round? im always mixing them up as they're right next to each other! A good tug though always sorts them out.
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