Saturday, August 23, 2008

Killer, Murderer . . . and Birthday Parties!

Thats what my friend Nick Muttered at me some what accusingly at me. . . I stared back blankly. My brain trying to figure out what he was talking about. . . He'd been telling me he hated me all night (admittedly this was when i PWNED that Newb!!!) Then it clicked he was just talking bout me shirt! Cereal Killer. . . Thats what i am!

Well a few days ago it was my birthday so yester day 6 boys ascended on my house. Each one Hungerer than the last!!! THe plan was that id hire a Xbox360 and my friend would bring his so we could play 8 player Halo3 but i didnt book one at any video store and they were all hired out. My Mother dear ran around for an hour trying to track one down. But it didnt work as planned so basically we set up one Xbox360 with 3 controllers until one broke, a PS2 with Guitar Hero, my xbox with 3 player Halo2 and StarWars Battlefront 2 (only 3/4 ports work!) and my Laptop was used all night long for Youtubing and Msning.

My Friend Daniel brought caffine pills so some people took them to stay up all night. . . He's crashed now in the spare bedroom and has been for 2 1/2 hrs now. :P Only Bob coped doing it Al-la-Natural.

It was a good night except i had to keep getting more food! Boy my friends can eat. At about 1/4 5 i went to sleep until 10:30 most of my friends except Nick stayed up the WHOLE night! Poor Bobby had a cold. And Jacob try'd to go sleep in the Spare bedroom but when Nick started snoring, loudly. I think Jacob description was "like a train crashing into Mt Vesueveous". In the moring when i woke everyone was ready for breakfast so i fried the bacon and Nick made Pikelets and we feed those wolves. It was a good party.

My Birthday was good this year except i felt sick on the day, and i forgot my lunch! so i survived on gofted Chocolate and Reeses Pieces!

I got lost of cool things i got a drumkit! Yuss!!! It's Blue and its really just for practising i imagine if it got moved more than twice it'd fall apart! But it's still Mine! And I got Doc's!!! And Pj's and ear phones, MooLa, like $130 (in Total) hehe! An Eb games Voucher, a Rubber Ducky a Bracelet cuf thingy, Fudge, Chocolate, Cranberry Juice, a book bout that man with the paperclip. The new Elemeno P Album, a Switchblade album a Chimchar Doll! Tim and Bob's card was funny, And Jacob made a neat comic stripe witch ill upload sometime.
Well im gonna go have lunch now seeing as it's 3:36 and im Hungry!!!
So Long Suckers!

KIller Murderer. . .

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Been a While


Well its been a while!

<---Like the Pic<---

I found out my phone could do this Snazzy trick a few days ago neat isnt it just?

Well what have i got up to? Well i went to Hutt on friday which was awsome i went on some harder trails Siobhan came two and got some lessons. In the Holidays u am officially going to SNOWBOARDING CAMP!!! Ye-AH! :P Tis going to be awsome fun. Snowboarding for a week getting taught to do things properly and better. :) gonna be so much fun!

I have discovered another pet hate over the last few days and it is Fur lined Jackets. I mean those ones that just have fur edging it looks AWWWW-ful. Like seriously. If it was real fur maybe it could look maybe ok. But those cheap jackets from like Glassons or Supre or where ever! COME ON GIRLS GET SOME STYLE!!!

Another Pet hate which would make me a hypercrite cause a few years ago it just wear anything is people who cant present them selves well! In my opinion some people need to get some decent clothes others need a haircut. It doesnt effect them as a person it's just come on! Have some pride! And if theres something that you dnt like about yourself that is sensible (eg Bad haircut) (Not like Skinny Girls who believe they're Fat!) Change it!!! Go to a Hair dressers, Find a friend that dresses well and chooses there own clothes and get them to help you shop. Do some exercise to get a nicer bum! Who knows what you want to change.

Atm my computers going all bizarre. It does this every now and again i guess leaving them on for weeks at a time and not shutting them down at all takes its toll. Must need to recharge its battery every now and again.

Last week i went to my Girlfriends party. It was ok. . . Sept it was lots of girls but that was my fault seeing as i asked to be invited knowing that. Man choosing movies was a task tho! It took them more than half an hour! It was rediculous! NEVER choose movies with a dozen girls!
At the moment im watching the Olympic's some of those Athlets are Ugly! Like serious they mustv been beaten with the ugly stick every day as children. But saying that there are some good looking Athletes (<-- thats a word i cant spell) Me and Siobhan are gonna start a list if you know any tell me about em?
Well im gonna go goggling!