Thursday, July 1, 2010

Them Thursday - Blue

Ever since I was 5 I have been a blue boy. No I don't have a medical condition and no I haven't been constantly down. I have been wearing mainly blue clothes.
All growing up my mum would always buy me the blue one, and my little brother the red one. I still wear mainly blue to this day. It was my absolute favourite colour, until about 2 years ago when it became green. However I still live in a blue bedroom. I have blue Snowboard gear, beanies, shirts, jeans, sports gear, goggles, school folders. Almost everything is blue! In fact I am currently wearing blue jeans, a blue hoodie, and a blue hat!
My parents even let me choose the colours for my brother and I's shared bathroom which is mainly. . . You guessed it. Blue.
I really enjoy the colour blue, I love clear days where the sky is wide and blue and goes on for ever. I love the ocean when its calm when there is nothing but blue waves until the horizon where it meets blue sky's.
Blue truly is a beautiful colour, and there so much of it everywhere. I still think we all need more blue. Blue sky's, blue oceans, blue seems to have a calming effect. We all need that cool blue calm.


Baino said...

I don't wear much of it other than perhaps a navy suit to work but I do love it.

Brian Miller said... jeans, blue skies and blue oceans...all over it! some of the best blues...happy tt!

Harnett-Hargrove said...

Hey, I get it! My sister was blue... I was the green. -J

Betsy Brock said...

Well done, blue boy! :) I wear a lot of blue, too!

Monkey Man said...

Wearing blue right now myself. Love that color. My Theme Thursday is HERE .

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

blue clothes are cool,
as long as you are not in blue mood.

California Girl said...

Green is my favorite color as well. I like the look of your blog and am happy to see a 17 yr old writing.