Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Meat Processing Plant

Last night I had a very odd dream.

Thomas and I had just got jobs at this meat processing plant. Not something anyone that knew us would expect us to do, Thomas wants to study to be an accountant and I want to be a doctor. Anyhow on our first day at this factory, we saw some of the fellow workers attacking someone, we both rushed over to help this person who turned out to be a young Asian women, who due to he uniform also worked at the plant. They had her on the ground and stomping on her, and talking about raping her. The two of us tried to stop them. We grabbed big metal poles and managed to bet them off of this women. We told them "What they were doing was despicable and that we would talk to someone about this as they obviously weren't fit for society."
To which the replied "We'll get you. Get you bad."
We helped the young women up and got to a first aid kit and started cleaning her up. When there was more commotion outside, sounded like the same guys were at it again.
I got there first told Thomas to look after the girl. This time it was the same guys, and some of there friends at it with another girl. They men looked towards this one man who stood a head above the rest, skinnily built. Holding a large hunting knife. He had a large scar around his throat. The men looked at me and said that's him boss. He smiled widely, creepily.
"Welcome to my factory!", he roared.
The men, his men all chuckled and laughed like he had just said the most hysterical thing they had ever heard. They were obviously cracked in the head.
As calmly as I could I asked him what he was doing to that women. He smiled at me chuckled, and informed me that "This women does not exists."
I told him "she obviously does." He said it's time for you to leave. I told him I couldn't do that not until his men stopped attacking the women and I managed to get her to a hospital.
That was the last thing I remembered, I awoke on the floor with a thumbing headache someone had snuck up behind me and smashed me in the head with a pipe. I was in the mincing room they had dragged me there. Thomas was tied up next to me and the two Asian girls were there. Looking very much worse for where, not really in any state to move, or to struggle, looking very much violated. The men were all cheery and laughing, seeing that I was awake one of them sneered at me, "This is what we do at our factory."
Dazed and horrified I watched them pick up the two women and drop them into the mincer. They then started towards me, chuckling. The man with the scar then leaned over into my face, I could smell his unbrushed teeth and the vodka. I could see the flakes from a pastry he must have eaten recently. It smelt like mince. I needed to throw up. He grabbed me by the collar and pulled me up into his face.
"You see this is what happens in my factory, and its what will happen to you if you try to stop me, but only after everyone you love."
Ungracefully he dropped to the floor and reached into my jacket and took my wallet. Emptying it of the cash, and pulling out a picture, one that I had no idea I had. From long ago. He looked at it, the cruel grin returned to his face and he leaned in close again.
"Starting with her."
With that him and his men left, chuckling and smashing bottles. I even heard them chanting, and cheering.Then I past out.
Hours later I woke, my head was killing me, and I was bruised all over. Weakly I got up, I found a stick to use as a crutch my ankle was swollen, I think it had meet with a pipe during the beating before. Thomas was still out cold. I limped to get help, I got to a phone call and rung an ambulance for him. Across the road from the factory I saw a police truck, pushing 20 or 30 people all of them female and all of them Asian. This was too much of a coincidence. I limped over to talk to the police.
"They're all illegal immigrants," said then first cop as he saw me crossing the street. "Whoa what happened to you?"
At this point my ankle gave out, I collapsed into the gutter, blackness fulled my vision. When I woke up I was in the hospital. A nurse was in the room, checking the IV lines attached to my arm.
"Ah you're awake the doctor wants to talk to you, and so do the police." she said nodding to the hallway.
"What? why?" everything was still foggy I went to scratch my head. It was then I realised I was handcuffed.
The police officer came in, I told him everything I could remember, the last part was a bit foggy.
"Do you have any id?" so we can call you relatives or something.
It was then I remembered my wallet, and my picture.
"I need to go right now" I said rising from the bed.
"No you can't leave"
"Why can't I?"
"Look at you wrist for starters" said the cop. I remembered the handcuffs, nice to see the police have a sense of humor.
"I have to go this thing is getting allot more complicated quickly, your story seems to match with what the women we picked up today. I think we can safely take those off though" He reached down unlocked the cuffs picked up his hat and left hurriedly.
I knew I had to leave now, by now the scarred man would know I'd been with the police. The girl in the photo, wasn't safe. I watched the policeman get into the elevator. I jumped out of bed, there were crutches leaned up against the wall. I grabbed them. Quickly I left the hospital, I flagged down a cab. The driver didn't need to know I wasn't planning on paying him yet.
When we got to the plant, it had changed, there were men everywhere it was swarm. These men had guns, the man with the scar had made himself an army. Across the entrance way to the plant there was a message for me. In the photo in my wallet she'd been wearing a black t-shirt, with a cartoon character on it. That t-shirt was now hungover the sign.
"Stop!" I yelled at the cab driver. I leapt out of the taxi, I knew there was a uniform in the gate house, I'd seen it that morning. Quickly I found it and put it on.
Silently I snuck into the factory.
Suddenly there was someone infront of me. He was smoking, lent up against the wall. A gun was next to him. This was what I needed. There was an axe on the wall. I picked it up. . . Slowly i stepped forward. I raised the axe up, hesitated. Then brought the handle down on the mans head. He collapsed. There was a cupboard across the hallway. I opened it up and placed him inside. Hoping he was going to be knocked out for long enough.
I picked up his gun. and continued through the factory. I was on the main factory floor. There up in the control room I could see her, she looked scared. She looked untouched, apart from a bruise on her cheek. She was strung up on a set of bars. Placed there to be obvious to everyone. There he was as well, chewing on a piece of jerky, with a pistol in his hand. Next to him on the table there was a bottle of Vodka. He wasn't alone there were another couple of men, some I recognised. One had a bandage over his head. He must have been one of the men from my earlier meetings. I made mental note to avoid him.
Suddenly there was a crash, the men in the control room looked at the scared man. He shrugged. It was obvious they all knew what to do, they ran off. The scarred man lit a cigarette and took a swing from his bottle. Said something to the girl from the photograph, and gave one of his laughs. He was clearly insane.
I could hear dogs, the police? If they were here was she safe?
Quickly I headed to the control room. I had to pause for what seemed like forever as the man with the bandage talked to some more men. He must have been some sort of lieutenant.
I managed to get up to the control room. Just as I was at the door I heard gunfire. The scarred man jumped. He pointed his pistol at her. Smiled his evil grin.
"Don't worry," he giggled, "You wont be a pie sweet heart." He fell to his knees in hysterics.
I opened the door quietly while he was having his laughing fit. It shut with a click. He froze. The girl from the photograph was tied up with her back to me. All I could see was her brown hair cover her shoulders which were shifting a terrified sob. I ducked behind a desk. I heard a sob.
"Shut up!" growled the man. I heard a smack and a loud cry.
I heard the floorboard creak. He was coming towards me. I got under the desk and held my breath. He was right next to me now. I could see his boots, they were black and covered in dried blood, and matted hair. He stepped towards the door, looked out of it down the hallway to the left, and then to the right. He took one last swig and emptied the bottle. Dropped the bottle, the glass shattered everywhere. He stumbled down the walkway back to the front of the control room. I got up, this was my chance. I hit him with the butt of the gun. He stumbled again. Dropping his gun. It went off. There was the sudden sound of gunfire raining outside of the room, it sounded distant. It was a illusion created by the rooms soundproofing, the gun fight was happening close.
The scarred man was on the floor, he was beginning to get up. Laughing,
"It's you. I didn't expect you too be here."
"I wasn't planning on it, until I saw the t-shirt. Well not coming so quickly. You forced my hand"
He laughed. "You forced mine first! This is my factory!" He roared as he lunged at me. I backed up. I pointed the gun at him.
He rushed at me, I shot him, in the leg. He looked at me, surprised.
"I didn't think you'd have the guts."
I raised the gun and smacked him in the side of the head with the handle knocking him to the floor.
I ran to the girl from the photograph. She was safe now. I untied her and she collapsed onto me. At that very moment the policeman from the hospital burst through the door, with a large German Sheppard and half a dozen armed defenders on his heels. They leapt on the scarred man and carried him away.
Everyone will be safe now, I'd saved her. No more of that evil factory.


Bobby said...

I'm confused as to how you held axes and guns while walking with crutches let alone running from taxi drivers, remaining unseen in the meatworks and surviving when the girl from the photo collapsed on you.

Sam said...

@Bobby Haha, well perhaps I need to work more on my writting. . . Obviously these literal details ruined your experience!

American Starchild said...

This story is incredible, Have you ever thought of publishing a collection of your dreams. Or maybe write short shoprt stories based on them in a tidier format. Screw Medschool Sam, you canj win the pullitzer instead.

Sam said...

Haha, thanks Heydon! Well thats the only dream I've had that I could remember enough to write down! And as Bob pointed out dreams have alot of inconsistancys and the fact I can't spell or edit to save myself! :P