Sound Day on the other hand was pretty sweet. I must'v looked pretty awsome being one of 2 guys with four girls! :P Oh yeah! ;) Well Kristin invited me and i was supposed to invite guys and i did just none could make it except Andrew who was intived by Julia. So the people there were Kristin, Jo, Julia, Roseanna, Andrew and Myself! Pictures i have no doubt will be on kristins Bebo with in the next few days. :P It was fun although we didnt really listen to the bands that much which were Fat Freddys Drop and we left during the last band Cut Off Your Hands. We kinda left Andrew after he left us with out saying where he was going and we spent ages trying to find him! So we went and got BURGERKING FOR TEA! Jo gave me her Crown so now i have it still on my Lamp in my bedroom where i keep my hats! :P Well thats about it i guess! ttfn
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