Well a semester has past in that time I severely failed at many things, blogging, doing substantial study to make med, getting over aspects of my old life. I have learned a lot of exciting interesting things. I can now name a number of bones and muscles in the body, hormones and hormone pathways, about cells and organelles eugenics and pathogens, do exciting physics equations and not so exciting chemistry ones.
I have also learned that a lot of the time people are a distraction. Be careful who you fall for, do your research it'll stop you getting yourself into a pickle, and sometimes boysonberry cider can lead you unfortunate evenings at other peoples halls. Leading to large misunderstandings, stupid irresponsible things said and phone calls from drunken fathers you never expected to hear from ever again claiming to be that persons mother!
All and all uni life has been a lot of the expected and some of the unexpected but in general a lot more interesting and less depressing than school life. New things to do. Lectures, town, lan parties, hanging in bedrooms till we hours of the morning. Canoe polo every week, several times a week, in a pool that wasn't ravenged by horrid earthquakes! One day I'll truely understand at least some of all this stuff, and know the direction of my adventure but right now I guess just go with the ride. Try to survive and see where the current of life takes me...
I know this is just ranting, this blog is mainly for me. I enjoy looking back and seeing the weirdness I've recorded and remembering events good and bad. It amuses me. Comment if you wish.