Monday, July 27, 2009


Well my poor blog, if it had feelings must feel pretty neglected, iv been too b. . . well too lazy to update it in quite some time! But im back bloggy I'm sorry!

I had to ideas on what i want to blog tonight, one was my dream last night, which as you'll find out is quite the nerd dream. Or would i post about my crazy idea for the world of the future!

I'l start with the dream, It was incredibly odd, and linked i think to the game related interview i was reading on for Star Wars Old Republic, a game that looks AWSOME!!! MMORPG Starwars!!! Well anyhow in this dream me and Siobhan went to riccarton mall because i had got a beta version to play as a tester. . . The real wierd part is where we went to get it not from EA or from somewhere that made sence. I went to wendys, and asked there for it, they had no idea what i was on about and after many bugging i got them to check and Voila I got it! This dream i think steams from extreme nerdy-ness and lack of a good computer or console game for me to sink my teeth, fingers, thumbs ect. into.
I should get a xbox360!

My birthdays coming up soon. . . just so yah know, :P

Now my crazy! Dream for the future, it relates to cars, smart cars, really smart cars. I was thinking about wireless networks and gps' and the like and just thought how cool it would be if new cars with GPS could all talk to each other wirelessly! Its probly already been invented i know, but like if there was traffic the cars could warn each other. Or if a car was upside down then obviously it'd be in trouble so i reckon it would be able to talk to cars that come near it and use them as a chain to ring the police and a fire ect.
Just an idea I had.